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accused for suspision of rape

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  • You are way ahead of yourself. You need to concentrate on your defence and how you will present your evidence to the jury.

    Sometimes a jury are ALL (unanimously) agreed on guilt or innocence. Courts prefer unanimous verdicts but often there is one or two who cannot agree.

    it is not often that there is a hung jury so please don't pin your hopes on that - plus it would mean going through it all again. Including the stress of everything.

    will the judge tell the jury that if a girl says no, sometime it means yes for any sexual intercourse? i have read it on internet.
    Your question does not apply to you as you are not accused of rape are you? This was your 'friend' who had sex with the girl - not you.

    A judge would NEVER EVER say that 'if a girl says no, sometimes it means yes for any sexual intercourse'. I am not sure where you are getting your 'advice' from but I suggest you stop looking there.

    Ask your solicitor any questions like that. He or she will know the answer. People 'on the internet' do no necessarily have any idea what they are talking about.

    Your case is different in that you are not accused of any sexual assault (as I understand it).
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
      You are way ahead of yourself. You need to concentrate on your defence and how you will present your evidence to the jury.

      Sometimes a jury are ALL (unanimously) agreed on guilt or innocence. Courts prefer unanimous verdicts but often there is one or two who cannot agree.

      it is not often that there is a hung jury so please don't pin your hopes on that - plus it would mean going through it all again. Including the stress of everything.

      Your question does not apply to you as you are not accused of rape are you? This was your 'friend' who had sex with the girl - not you.

      A judge would NEVER EVER say that 'if a girl says no, sometimes it means yes for any sexual intercourse'. I am not sure where you are getting your 'advice' from but I suggest you stop looking there.

      Ask your solicitor any questions like that. He or she will know the answer. People 'on the internet' do no necessarily have any idea what they are talking about.

      Your case is different in that you are not accused of any sexual assault (as I understand it).
      i appreciate your reply back.

      no, i am not accused of rape, i been charged of aiding and abetting rape. so yeah spoke to my sol and she said, our defense is that you didn't encourage your friend and didn't help him in any sort of sexual intercourse. she said, our case is totally different to my "friend" case.

      my "friend" went to see his solicitor today and he said, his solicitor still haven't received any recording and stuff from CPS yet. our trials are next week and his solicitor still haven't get all stuff from cps. is it normal??

      apparently his solicitor thinks, CPS not found enough evidence yet as they still looking for it. the condom packet, they found in my car, don't have any finger print and it doesn't match and the condom they found somewhere outside, appeared to be old. so basically they don't have any big evidence other then girl's statement.

      his solicitor said, it might be possible that the trails date will be changed but he said, he will find out from CPS tomorrow.

      i really don't want to wait any more, i just want to get it done and over with. as i know i am innocent. i booked my holidays for two weeks for my case, i really can't book any more holidays before 6 months time.

      your right i shouldn't be reading all that stuff from net but i got nothing to do at home and i am just keep thinking about it. i don't know what to do. i really hope it finishes really fast. i wish and pray, no one goes through this situation.
      Last edited by stressed out; 29 October 2013, 11:33 PM.


      • oh my.....I know I'm unknowledgeable in the CPS but I am shocked that the trial start next week and still no information. This is outrageous.

        I hope the case collapses for you as surely CPS have nothing strong that would win the case??

        I hope someone else can shed some light on this for you.


        • hey people, hope you all okay
          just got a little update.

          went to see my barrister and solicitor today, found out few things about my trail on Monday.
          the judge is busy so he won't be there no more so barrister said, its a floating case, something like that he said. plus no court room available as yet but will find out on Monday.

          had a 2 hours conference with them, they told me alot about the case but they said, the only draw back is, they found loads of condoms in my boot. which i told them belong to my mate and my uni mate also give statement about them and he will be giving a live statement (TV link). so it will prove that the condoms belong to him but he was selling his car so he put them in my car.

          few things barrister mentioned about the girl.
          1) she said two guys forced her into the car like grabbed her and pushed her in then she changed her statement saying, i got inside the car due to the tone of the passenger.
          2) she said, she was quit in all journey of 15-20 min driving. Barrister said, it looks quite odd the someone in the back seat and there was no conversation, she is hiding something.
          3) she said, passenger smoked a Cig then threw the cig away and start kissing her but police found her DNA on the cig as well which shows they were both kissing before the cig. i already told in my statement truth.

          barrister said, i gave a really good statement but there is still few things missing in the statement so he gave me my statement and asked me to fill the missing bit in, which i will be doing this weekend.

          barrister said, there is no evidence but her statement is the evidence and prosecution will attack on the character and intention so i have to be confident and clear whatever answer i will give.

          barrister said, prosecution will put this stuff in like, two young guys were driving at night, picked up a underage girl, the got condoms in the boot and they parked up so they had a intention.
          they will change the whole story but we gotta give evidence that, this is not true.
          i am so scared.


          • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
            barrister said, there is no evidence but her statement is the evidence and prosecution will attack on the character and intention so i have to be confident and clear whatever answer i will give.

            barrister said, prosecution will put this stuff in like, two young guys were driving at night, picked up a underage girl, the got condoms in the boot and they parked up so they had a intention.
            they will change the whole story but we gotta give evidence that, this is not true.
            Yes of course if two young lads are having a night out and pick up a girl it is going to be difficult to persuade anyone that there wasn't a sexual intent in the background.

            However if you stick to the truth when giving evidence you should be able to hold your head up and give honest replies towards the jury; that the girl was a willing participant and got in the car voluntarily and you didn't know she was underage when she got in.

            Undoubtedly the prosecution will make much of the condoms as they were in your car and will try to fluster you about this but, at the end of the day from what you have told us, there is no DNA evidence on any condom linking you to the girl, and it is obviously not an offence to possess condoms.

            As other members have pointed out you do not have to construct a defence for your friend who appears to have dug a hole for himself by initially denying he was present. However do bear in mind that the prosecution will undoubtably suggest that your intention all along was to also have sexual intercourse with the girl and this is why you were aiding and abetting your friend, so be prepared for this line of questioning.
            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


            • CH is spot on - Honest, head high, respectible and respectful.

              Aiding and abetting (helping, encouraging, making possible) anything is a tricky one. You'll have to be very clear and adamant about these condoms because that's going to come back over and over again.

              Don't be surprised if the prosecutor tries to trick or trip you up, or if your 'friend' lies in court - he already lied to the police.

              If you're asked question you don't quite understand, ask politely for it to be repeated.

              Have you got a friend or someone who's going to come to support you in the courtroom? It's a great help during break and mealtimes. In the evenings you'll probably be exhausted so try to have things sorted (eg, meals, clean clothes) so that things are really straight forward for you when you get home and in the morning before you leave.

              Try and have some leisure time this week-end.

              Good luck!


              • Thanks for your reply back CH and whats going on.

                I will be telling truth so i am not that scared but i am nervous.

                condoms belong to one of my friends who put in my car when me, him and other mate went to sell his car, he put them in my car.
                he gave the statement to my solicitor and he is willing to do video call in court.

                My other mate who was with us, also giving a written statement that he knew, when a friend put condoms in the boot.

                I asked barrister, if there is no DNA found on her body or inside her's. then wouldn't that prove sex never happened. barrister said, the way she explained how he was on her top and what he did. if there is no dna, still its fine because she said, she not sure if he ejaculate or not.

                i should have never listened to my mate when he said, he think he knows her.
                when she got inside the car, he never asked her age and name. that's mean he knows her.


                • Hi Stressed out.

                  I just wanted to send you my best wishes for next week.
                  You have been given excellent advice all way long and I hope the right result for your case.

                  You were at the wrong time at the wrong place but especially with the wrong person.
                  The passenger of the car in my opinion doesn't deserve to be your "mate".

                  Next week, make sure that you have nothing in common with him,you will have to be selfish.
                  He knew he was in your car and lied to the police leaving in theory just the girl and you .

                  Anyway you will have some positive statements regarding the condoms.
                  You didn't know that the girl was underage when you picked her and you were not in the car when something might have happen.

                  All the best and try to keep confident.
                  Always remember that you are innocent.
                  Non,je ne regrette rien.


                  • Hi SO - asking the Angels to visit you for strength courage and justice....
                    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                    • thanks for your replies, they does mean a lot.

                      got my first day tomorrow, hopefully everything goes okay. i was, i am and i will be innocent no matter what.

                      i am nervous and scared and keep thinking, what if jury didn't believe but i will try give me best and positive answers.

                      i just had a shower and got my clothes ready for tomorrow, i can't believe i had tears in my eyes when sorting my stuff out.

                      boys don't cry and other few member's have been following my thread since start so after my first day tomorrow, i will come here and write the first experience.

                      please do all pray for me and hopefully everything will go normal.


                      • Sending you tons of strengths for the next week. I will pray for you and that the jury will see the truth.


                        • Praying for you and that you have a discerning jury. Don't be surprised if nothing much happens today. Good luck!


                          • Originally posted by whatsgoingon? View Post
                            Praying for you and that you have a discerning jury. Don't be surprised if nothing much happens today. Good luck!
                            good luck will be praying that the jury see sense


                            • Good luck and praying for you


                              • Good luck for today stressed out . Your not alone we will all be thinking about you and praying that you win the trial.

