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accused for suspision of rape

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  • Originally posted by whatsgoingon? View Post
    Hi Stressed out. It's great that you've seen your legal team and they've answered some of your previous questions, and hopefully, managed to re-assure you a bit. I believe you have a good team... start having faith in them and yourself. This is what I think:

    but m scared that why would jury believe me?
    Being scared, even terrified is absolutely normal, but don't doubt yourself or your account of what happened. Under questionning, it's much easier to tell the truth.

    if the girl cried they might think, she telling the truth?
    The girl may well cry and the jury will probably feel sympathetic towards her at that stage. It's up to your barrister to avoid her crying and still get the information needed out of her even if she's in floods of tears.

    when jury verdict, the bases are evidence or arguments before defense team and prosecution??
    Both - their verdict should be based on the evidence, but it's the arguments put forward by one or other barrister which will either discount, discredit or high-light different parts of the evidence. All the time they're interviewing the different parties, they're trying to get the jury on their side. ( I likened it to a modern gladiator match).

    if the case goes to court in jury hands, what are the average percentage that the charge will convert to sentence.

    I've no idea, I don't know if anyone other than possibly your defence team can tell you this. If you are found guilty, there are minimum sentences for each charge and your defence team must have discussed this with you.

    My advice is to trust your defence team (I believe you have now got a specialist sol...), query and share important relevant information with them.
    Focus on the charges against you.

    Try and get as good references as you can... professional people are great, but someone who knows you well or someone you've been particularly helpful to can also be a very valuable character witness. Don't forget, even your legal team don't really know you from Adam .... you're probably a lovely guy, full of qualities, but you need to have someone stand up there and say it. Someone from your own country can come so long as they understand and speak English well enough (if not, they may be able to get a court interpreter - your sol can tell you).

    Try to stay on top of things - if prayer, meditation, excercise or anything else helps you keep a grip on your fear and anxiety then do it on a regular basis.

    thanks for your mail back.

    i am working on my references at the moment, i found my 3 house mates whom i lived with 4 years at uni and 1 girl mate, who i knew since last 3 years.

    i don't know how to speak to my last year project tutor for a character statement?

    can anybody knows, if i can get a personal character statement from my college and university like i never been into mess or any sort of bad stuff?


    • You can get as many character references you like attesting to your good nature and history. Getting them from professionals is arguably better so staff from college/uni are a good bet, provided that they will speak highly of you!
      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

      Numbers 32:23


      • Hi SO - have a look at billy's description of his trial - I wen to a few days with him and it was she said he did, he said he didn't. That's what it came down to - the barristers did their questioning and the jury gave their verdict - 2 x not guilty. It does happen and I'm so pleased I saw it happen as it has given me a bit more faith in the jury system.....

        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
          thanks for your mail back.

          i am working on my references at the moment, i found my 3 house mates whom i lived with 4 years at uni and 1 girl mate, who i knew since last 3 years.

          i don't know how to speak to my last year project tutor for a character statement?

          can anybody knows, if i can get a personal character statement from my college and university like i never been into mess or any sort of bad stuff?
          All these sound good. Have you got an email for your tutor or past tutor ? You could mail him and arrange to meet. I would have thought it best that any reference from your Uni should go through him/her first, but if you can't get in touch, then you'll have to go through the admin office. If you have several written character statements and a couple of people who are actaully prepared to come to court to speak up for you and give the names of the people to your defence team, they can decide.


          • Originally posted by whatsgoingon? View Post
            All these sound good. Have you got an email for your tutor or past tutor ? You could mail him and arrange to meet. I would have thought it best that any reference from your Uni should go through him/her first, but if you can't get in touch, then you'll have to go through the admin office. If you have several written character statements and a couple of people who are actaully prepared to come to court to speak up for you and give the names of the people to your defence team, they can decide.
            yeah i have emailed my uni department, hope they get back to me with a good news.

            i don't understand , why would court believe on the written character statements, like my solicitor said, get her my friend's email idd. so she will email them for a written statement for me. but anyone can make fake statements like make a fake email account and produce fake statements. so why would court believe and take these statements into account? they can be fake.


            • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
              i don't understand , why would court believe on the written character statements, like my solicitor said, get her my friend's email idd. so she will email them for a written statement for me. but anyone can make fake statements like make a fake email account and produce fake statements. so why would court believe and take these statements into account? they can be fake.
              Remember that where you have written court, in fact you should be thinking jury; twelve members of the general public who need to think you made an honest error of judgement. Put yourself in their shoes and try to come across as the sort of person you yourself would like.

              I have suggested previously somewhere on this thread that you sometimes come across as having an attitude problem over the advice that members have offered you out of genuine support for you. If you keep questioning this, it won't help you, the character statements, preferably backed up by the persons appearing in court to speak up for you are designed to show the 'court' that you are actually a 'good guy' who made one honest mistake.

              The members of the jury may well think the character statements are all manufactured but they may then also think that this is your way of showing you are genuinely remorseful and will learn the lesson and deserve a second chance (as long as you don't come across with the 'attitude' on the witness stand)
              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


              • hello all

                Today i went court to say Not Guilty.

                My barrister and my friend's barrister argued to take the child abduction charge off. but i don't know if they going to take it off or no

                Trails date is already set for 4th November, prosecution said, it will take 7 days but our barrister said that's too long for this case so 5 days trail has been set now.

                I have read my defense statement and barrister said, we will build a case on that statement so I have to meet up few times.

                when i was standing for saying not guilty, the prosecution team was like proper staring me anyway my friend told me, his barrister is a specialist in sexual offense cases, he recently had a similar case and he won.

                my barrister said, if there was any DNA or forensic evidence there then it would be little hard but as there is no proper evidence but her statement is evidence then its just her words against him. hopefully need to build a proper strong case.

                I HAVE FEW QUESTIONS.

                1) now that, i have pleaded not guilty what will happen now? I have read the forensic doctor statements, they said if it goes to trail they will look on all evidence again, does it mean they will be going in depth?

                2) all evidence will be search again and will police do investigation again?

                3) the found condom wasn't involved, why would they do that? they found the condom few meters away next day.

                4) the phone wasn't checked either and my friend barrister said, the phones are not related to the case, but why? my and friends texts were there for that night and we been texting and i said it in the my last text that " chill out, i am only scaring you, and don't be scared and not like you raped her. nothing happened"

                5) My friend is charged of rape and assault with penetration and i am charged of aiding and abetting Rape, What if, he be cleared of Rape charge but found guilty of assault with penetration, will i still be charge/convict of aiding and abetting rape? OR will jury can still found me guilty of aiding and abetting rape when my friend will be found not guilty of rape?
                Last edited by stressed out; 1 July 2013, 03:53 PM.


                • I have a few questions for you (sorry, I haven’t got time or incentive to wade through your thread) :

                  1. Are you always this rude?

                  2. Do you really think people want to answer your numerous questions when you always reply with skepticism (and rarely any thanks, if at all)?

                  3. Do you think it reasonable to expect a personalized service ‘just for you’ while never offering anything in return?

                  4. Have you ever posted advice or reassurance on someone else’s thread?

                  5. Why don’t you ask your solicitor?


                  • Originally posted by whatsgoingon? View Post
                    I have a few questions for you (sorry, I haven’t got time or incentive to wade through your thread) :

                    1. Are you always this rude?

                    2. Do you really think people want to answer your numerous questions when you always reply with skepticism (and rarely any thanks, if at all)?

                    3. Do you think it reasonable to expect a personalized service ‘just for you’ while never offering anything in return?

                    4. Have you ever posted advice or reassurance on someone else’s thread?

                    5. Why don’t you ask your solicitor?
                    rude? how am i rude? i always thankful to peoples who take time out and reply. there is about 10 pages of replies i got, if you read them, you will find a lot thanks for peoples.
                    I don't know much law so there is no advice i can give about law because i don't want to say any wrong thing. I was in hospital for minor attack for 3 weeks so didn't know whats going on in this form until today.
                    I don't want to give wrong advice but it didn't mean i don't read peoples threads. i do read everyone's problem and what they going through. i rather leave advice for those who knows about law or who went through from this situation. all i can do read what they going through and pray for them.

                    i got a bad stammer so won't be able to speak in a whole sentence that's why i came here and ask question but yes your right, i should seek my solicitor advice.
                    thanks for your help anyway.


                    • Whatsgoingon is correct in that the best advice is what you will get from your solicitor

                      However, I do think it might have been pointed out in a less confrontational manner but we all definitely have bad days!

                      Stressedout, you do not have to offer legal advice on other threads, just the odd comment to say you are thinking of them or showing support will suffice and make a huge difference
                      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                      Numbers 32:23


                      • I think WGO is trying to say that Stressedout asks the same questions over and over again - and over and over again we have pointed out that we don't know the answers.
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • RFLH is absolutely righ. Stressed out , you do tend to ask the same questions over and over again, which is very fraustrating for us especially given the complexity of your situation , so I feel that it would be preferable for you to ask your legal team such questions which are spefically related to your case.

                          On several occasions now, one of us has tried to explain to you something very clearly and given you precise advice and you've either put the advice in question or askedthe question again. This is also a cause of fraustration.

                          I accept that I could have put these points over in a less confrontational way which Faith has pointed out. In my defence, I have been very unwell in the past week, so perhaps what I had to say was a bit raw. Like you, I'm also from a different culture, so the way we say things can come over in unintentional ways. Please don't take offence.

                          This is a support group, the majority of us are on here are here due to a bad experience, just as you are. I think you would find it a great help to contribute to other threads, because not only would you be able to welcome or reassure newcomers, but you would come to realise that you're not alone and gain an insight into how other people are coping.

                          I apologise for any offence I've caused you,
                          All the best,
                          Last edited by whatsgoingon?; 2 July 2013, 03:25 PM.


                          • just little up date.

                            hii all

                            hope you all okay and it been long I didn't come up here. i thought i come here and give some sort of up dates about whats going on.

                            things are getting normal but slowly. i got a place in uni for masters but on the same time, i just been offered a good job so i am thinking to go for a job.

                            my case started last year on 1st of august 2012 so its been over an year now. this one of the hardest time i ever spend and i am still spending till this case be over.

                            trials will be 1st week of November, i am quit positive that i didn't do anything so everything should be fine but on the same side, i am little scared too.

                            but i just wana say to everyone who going through the same situation that this is the hardest time but time is a healer. peoples might think, this is the end but it is not. it just a test which you need to pass. have faith on yourself and try to look for bright side.

                            when i got arrested, i was only graduated less then 2 weeks and i was very happy.
                            police took my passport, my everything.
                            so after 1 year now, everything getting normal so yeah believe on your selves because good time will come.


                            • Hi,

                              Thanks for the update and your encouraging words for other members. I am pleased things are turning out well for you in the employment/uni front, hopefully this is a good omen regarding the trial.

                              I don't know if you have already looked at the threads posted by members about preparing for court but there is a wealth of good advice there:


                              Take care of yourself,
                              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                              • Originally posted by Casehardened View Post

                                Thanks for the update and your encouraging words for other members. I am pleased things are turning out well for you in the employment/uni front, hopefully this is a good omen regarding the trial.

                                I don't know if you have already looked at the threads posted by members about preparing for court but there is a wealth of good advice there:


                                Take care of yourself,
                                thanks casehardened for your message and for the thread, it is quit helpful.

                                since my case has started and till now, i am making loads of notes which i gained from this website, other research and that.

                                i was thinking about something that, i didn't tell me employer that i got a sexual offence case going on, so by law do i need to tell them? because i am only charged not convicted.

