night Denise, hope you get some sleep.
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Loved one accused of rape
Originally posted by Denise View PostThankyou everyone, I'm rubbish tonight and can't stop crying, I read a thread on here about what to expect when your loved one or you go to prison & it's destroyed me, I hate liars who try to ruin people's lives through revenge & financial gain xx
Try and get some sleep - (easier said than done I know ) and I really hope you get some peace of mind tomorrow.
Izzy x
What to remember Denise, is that the forum isn't necessary a reflection of how these situations turn out.
It's easy to read through and see that there are more stories which turn out badly than end in NFA or acquittal but the truth is that only a small portion of people in this situation seek out or find this site.
A lot of cases end in an NFA...many people don't seek this site until charge so it's easy to think an NFA is unlikely. Many posters appear with their story but then don't return after they are NFA'd and so we don't find out.
A lot of the stories are at the extreme side of the scale...we are just the surface of the very sadly common occurrence that is FA.
Injustice is served...there are many people here that will tell you that. But many, many times, justice is served too. Don't fall into your mind's trap of reading a horror story and being frightened by it. Being aware of all possible eventualities is productive. Being terrified every waking moment that the worst will happen is less healthy.
If it is a rebail or a charge tomorrow, do not give up hope. It is by no means game over. A charge is where you can bring out the big guns. Many people argue that a charge can be preferable as it allows you to fight properly and clear your name fully. Of course, in most cases, an NFA is more ideal as it's a chance for the stress to subside (not end) sooner and there is not the gamble of facing a jury.
What I'm saying is, if that charge comes, you aren't necessarily in a worse place if you keep that fighting spirit up. It could be your chance to really do battle and tear these lies apart.
I am praying you get an NFA...that would be the best result. But's not your only chance at getting a good result.
Take care."Be sure your sin will find you out"
Numbers 32:23
Thankyou everyone
DC rang about 11ish this morning - she said she's trying hard to push CPS to make a decision, even for their standards they are dragging this (her words). She said she would ring by 5
Left a voicemail on my mobile just before 5 saying they still haven't made a decision and that she will be back on duty Friday 8am, she will ring me Fri by midday, she said if they still haven't decided she will consult her superior to get things moving.
Yeah right
Thankyou for all your words of comfort and support. I had such a bad evening yesterdaybut seem a bit brighter today, although Im a constant bag of nerves xx
I live in hope it's over forever
Hi there,
this must be so frustrating - what I found most surprising though was that the copper actually did get back in touch with you at the agreed time! Hope fully she will be as good as her word and try and push it along.
Kind wishes
JenFalse Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.
Originally posted by largactyl1 View PostHi there,
this must be so frustrating - what I found most surprising though was that the copper actually did get back in touch with you at the agreed time! Hope fully she will be as good as her word and try and push it along.
Kind wishes
I thought she liked me at the start, her exact words that first day she questioned my son was "if they are lying and trying to send down an innocent lad I will personally prosecute them"
As time has gone on I've felt she believes them, not us. I told the duty solicitor this who ocasionally calls me himself, he said all the times he bumps into her at the station she never gives him the impression she's taking sides.
I thought my innocence and my honesty was being believed, now I'm wary and think
she was just trying to befriend me xxI live in hope it's over forever
Denise, I am so sorry today didn’t bring any news for you. I hope the DC is true to her word when she states that she will personally prosecute those liars. She does seem to be making the right noises, but I think you are wise to be cautious though in her attempts to befriend you. At least her phone didn’t get lost in the daughter’s toy box again!
Keep hanging in there ready for Friday. You are doing so well and we are all here for you, particularly during the low times, so keep posting for support.
Originally posted by Browneyedgirl View PostDenise, I am so sorry today didn’t bring any news for you. I hope the DC is true to her word when she states that she will personally prosecute those liars. She does seem to be making the right noises, but I think you are wise to be cautious though in her attempts to befriend you. At least her phone didn’t get lost in the daughter’s toy box again!
Keep hanging in there ready for Friday. You are doing so well and we are all here for you, particularly during the low times, so keep posting for support.I live in hope it's over forever
Yes, hang in there Denise. There are some threads in the forum showing that police do get friendly; however should not be trusted completely. However, it is a "nice" thing that the police do calls you as promised. I hope friday really brings in some good news.
yes, same here, and also at this point we wanted people to believe us. My partner used to feel better after being rebailed to be told that the police said it is rubbish. We did mention it to the solicitor today, and he explained to us, that sometimes the police do think the FA is lying but it is the CPS who decides.but there were also cases here that they had bad experience with police.