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Loved one accused of rape

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  • Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
    I think you're correct in this, not because you'll annoy them, after all it's just another job to them (even though it's life and death to you) but it will be so much better for you to try to 'wind down'.

    Without wanting to give you false hope, but it take does much longer to get a NFA than a charge decision as this has to be ratified by two independent specialist CPS lawyers.
    I actually wondered this, she said its taking a long time, even for CPS standards(OIC exact words) - god I just want go back to enjoying my life , my children, and my grandchildren xx
    I live in hope it's over forever


    • Hi Denise

      It’s easy for OIC to say ‘stop worrying’ when it’s not her life that’s been put in the hands of a reviewer/s at CPS. The phrase bugging me from friends at the moment is ‘no news is good news’. I know they mean well but to me ‘no news is just agony’.

      I think with the knowledge we gain from this forum and the experiences of being FA, the members here could set up a very successful detective agency any expose all those liars. Lol.

      I’m hoping and praying you get some news this week Denise and you don’t have to go through yet another weekend of not knowing. I wonder what OIC’s response will be if you put your question to her. Didn’t she say previously that she would ‘personally prosecute’? Mmmm interesting.

      Stay strong! xx


      • I could pick away at statements now I'm sure having gained what little knowledge I have lately

        I just find this a total waste of time and tax payers money but more so, it's makes a mockery for those real victims who suffer

        I mean, and I know I keep repeating myself , but at least four lies they've told at this stage that we can prove !

        It shouldn't have even gone this far :-( xx
        I live in hope it's over forever


        • Yes OIC was asking me questions outside the station after she finished questioning my son and said if she finds out theyre lying she will personally prosecute

          Also the retired gent told my OH when my youngest was doing his statement that with no evidence and no witnesses their stories are thin and if my son was his son right now he'd be feeling optimistic

          Lo and behold, then along comes a witness ! Xx
          I live in hope it's over forever


          • I'm with you all the way Denise. We are in exactly the same boat. What gets me is the possibility that they can go for compensation on the basis of their lies. I have read on other threads and websites that accusers can apply to CICA even without a charge or conviction. From what I’ve read, they only need to have reported it to police and be/have been cooperating with them in the investigation. As the motive with ours is money, I expect they will be exploring every opportunity to cash in.

            Infuriating or what?!



            • Originally posted by Browneyedgirl View Post
              I'm with you all the way Denise. We are in exactly the same boat. What gets me is the possibility that they can go for compensation on the basis of their lies. I have read on other threads and websites that accusers can apply to CICA even without a charge or conviction. From what I’ve read, they only need to have reported it to police and be/have been cooperating with them in the investigation. As the motive with ours is money, I expect they will be exploring every opportunity to cash in.

              Infuriating or what?!

              Very infuriating

              Ours is either revenge or financial gain, or both

              Either are totally feasible. The father tried desperately to get me back and my OH had to step in and text him to leave me alone or he would go find him & do exactly to him what he had done to me, the coward he is said sorry to him but didn't deny what he'd done to me

              When I asked OIC about them claiming compensation she told me they can only claim if my son is convicted and even then it's debatable whether they'd get it

              I told her I'd heard different but she didn't pursue that conversation
              I live in hope it's over forever


              • She is wrong Denise. I’ve been on CICA website and albeit a brief look, it does state that a charge or conviction is not necessary. There are other factors taken into account though regarding the behaviour of application before, during or after the alleged incident along with any criminal record. At least that should help in our case.

                I know they are discouraged from discussing the subject of compensation, but perhaps the OIC said that because she knows what they are alleging is a pack of lies. If that is the case, she needs to refer to Allegations of False Complaints (Section 8.11) of the National Policing Improvement Agency document titled Guidance on Investigating Child Abuse and Safeguarding Children.

                One of the benefits of them taking so long in our case is that I'm managing to do lots of research in the meantime.

                Forearmed is forewarned. xx


                • Browneyedgirl is 100% right.
                  An accuser is entitled to compensation in these cases even if no conviction is made. I think (but am not sure) that they may even be eligible for compensation if charges are not brought. (I am not 100% sure about this one, perhaps other members can elucidate?)
                  Therefore they need only make a complaint of rape/sexual assault and they are entitled to thousands, regardless of whether the accused is convicted, or even charged.
                  The irony is, genuine survivors of rape are often reluctant to claim makes them feel as though they are being "paid" for the rape.
                  Keep on keeping on. Courage and strength! xx


                  • I totally believe you all regarding the compensation

                    And one of them is apparently housebound now which will no doubt bump the pay out up

                    My tax is contributing to lining our accusers pockets !
                    if it wasn't so serious I think I'd find myself laughing at this ridiculous situation they've put us in xx
                    I live in hope it's over forever


                    • It makes me so mad. Neither of our accusers have done a days work in their lives, yet claim every benefit going (some of which I don’t think they are entitled to). They think the world owes them a living and neither of them takes responsibility for their own actions/decisions – it’s always some else’s fault. In the meantime, we are trying to hold down our jobs and hold our relationship/family together throughout this ordeal.

                      It’s no wonder the country is in such a state. I’m not at all religious, but do you know what my mum always says? God doesn’t pay back in pennies! xx


                      • I wholeheartedly agree
                        Same with ours, father is a tax evader (and a lazy sh*t), mother has claimed most benefits and I'm sure the accusers will never work

                        I look back sometimes and wonder how I'm holding down my job along with the responsibilities it brings

                        I have other children/grandchildren who also deserve my attention

                        And a relationship which doesnt deserve this either

                        I nearly went to pieces last week when I thought I'd forgot the car tax
                        I live in hope it's over forever


                        • Hi Denise and Browneyedgirl, it seems our accusers are from the same background. Parents claiming benefits and their kids (including accuser) trained to claim benefits like they did. It is sad! Here we are working people; living our lives and them having all the time in their lives to think of their stories. We stress to make ends meet along with this burden on us and there they are free housing, no council tax to pay They can claim compensation over this and we cant!

                          But of course we cannot generalize, it is different for every case! But it just make the injustice more frustrating when the accused is a struggling working family accused by benefits scoungers. The accused pay taxes; pay the council tax (including the services of the police) and the police come to their house and protect the benefit scroungers who has not paid any tax in their lives. I tell you, after this happen to us I was so reluctant to pay the council tax. Every time I pay them I get angry! I feel like we are paying people to prosecute us! I know a bit childish :-)
                          Last edited by fighter; 6 February 2012, 03:07 PM.


                          • hi all ..seems to be many similarities with the accusers.
                            wonder why the police havn,t picked up on this.our accuser couldn,t even be bothered to get up for college she dosn,t hide that fact on her fb profile. to busy having sessions every night along with her other mates who were living off the state. she even said she wanted a baby when she was 16 so he could have her own house. think her accusation just got her a nice little earner.
                            while we are paying tax for her upkeep makes my blood boil ....


                            • I think because the benefits system is being reassessed, then they have to be more creative, not to be told to work or at least get money so no need to work for some time. Sadly, to the expense of somebody!


                              • I've often said "the nicer you are, the more you get trampled on in life"

                                How I wish sometimes I could find a callousness and cold heartedness in me xx
                                I live in hope it's over forever

