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Loved one accused of rape

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Denise View Post
    I really hope he does qualify for legal aid, true to form I'm as useless with the benefits system as I am with the legal system, I've told him not to get a job otherwise he will be forever in debt over this, I really hope I'm advising him correctly x
    have a look at this link, denise:

    They have an income requirement; so your son can still work as long as he does not go beyond that take home amount every week. The solicitor will guide you through it.


    • #62
      As ever Fighter, you are a star.

      If your lad is charged I am sure between us we will find a good solicitor on public funding who will fight your corner well.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #63
        Fighter & Rights Fighter, thankyou so much !

        For the first time since we got hit with this bombshell, I feel like at least One thing has gone our way, and that's by finding this forum, I'm lost for words how supportive you all are, xxxxxxc
        I live in hope it's over forever


        • #64
          Road to nowhere

          I woke up with that fighting feeling today - my mind is working overtime.

          We printed my daughters FB 2 line convo last night - but it just says the youngest accuser loves her and would be pleased to see her

          So I thought because 2 years ago the youngest accuser bombarded me with msn chat, asking how me and my kids were, that I would find out if those conversations were stored by such luck

          Then, I remembered all the time I was with their father, I belonged to a different kind of forum, I left there 2 years ago when my relationship ended. I keep in touch with the forum owner, so I have messaged her asking if my threads are still viewable (I can't remember my username or password) , I am waiting for her to reply - because I used to vent on there about how tough life was with these kids. And when I found out that the eldest had stole, I vented on there big time. It's a small glimmer of hope that at least the story I told on my statement will reflect on posts/threads I wrote back in those days......

          so I'm waiting in hope of a positive reply x
          I live in hope it's over forever


          • #65
            Originally posted by Denise View Post
            So I thought because 2 years ago the youngest accuser bombarded me with msn chat,
            Was it on the same computer you have now? I ask in case you've checked your msn messenger log.


            • #66
              Originally posted by LS View Post
              Was it on the same computer you have now? I ask in case you've checked your msn messenger log.
              yes it would have been on this laptop...I don't understand all the technical stuff
              I live in hope it's over forever


              • #67
                Is it windows, or Mac. In particular what's the operating system, XP or Vista?


                • #68
                  Originally posted by LS View Post
                  Is it windows, or Mac. In particular what's the operating system, XP or Vista?
                  It's windows, and I think XP x
                  I live in hope it's over forever


                  • #69
                    Great. He might have set it to record all conversations.

                    Have a look in:
                    Local Disk (C)
                    Documents and Settings
                    his user name
                    My Documents
                    My Received Files

                    In there you should find a folder in his user name, and inside it will be a folder called History, and inside that should be a file called Message Log.xsl

                    Alternatively, press the green Start button on the bottom left, then Search and type in *xsl* and ask it to search.

                    Once you've found it, right click it and select Open With, and choose MS Word.
                    Last edited by LS; 30 January 2012, 06:25 PM.


                    • #70
                      I can't find my 'received files'
                      I live in hope it's over forever


                      • #71
                        uh okay, that might mean recording wasn't switched on; it's switched off by default.
                        What about the search for xsl files? Did that come up with anything?


                        • #72
                          From the start button i am searching xsl - what one do I choose to open ? there's quite a few
                          I live in hope it's over forever


                          • #73
                            Essentially you may have to open each one physically to read it and check. How many are we talking of?

                            The first thing I would do is press the Views logo just to the right of Folders button at the top of the Explorer window, and a dropdown will appear. Choose "details" so that all of your search results should show where each file result is located.

                            Once that's done try to get a screenshot while I think.


                            • #74
                              There's about 15, one is got windows live in the name
                              I live in hope it's over forever


                              • #75
                                Okay. What worries me is that you haven't got a copy of My Received Files. That tells me that recording wasn't switched on.

                                However, in the meantime I would do a search for Messenger or Messenger Log and see if the search shows anything up. If it doesn't then chances of any evidence being there are slim.

