As many of you already know, I'm still waiting for the PF decision about the accusations made against me by the police (false allegations of rape), which of course came out after a one-sided investigation because my "Mr. Wonderful"'s ex fooled everybody, not surprising given that he was volunteering and training as a counsellor and a support worker in a rape and abuse line, actually the only one available from Inverness to the northern highlands.
As you can imagine, this made my life hell before and after the report.
Before it, because my ex was playing his "training and volunteering" card as a pass to abuse/rape whoever he liked so he drove me crazy (literally, because he was doing therapy to me, I was rescued by a counsellor for alcohoolics in early December who recognised the huge abuse I've been standing for one year. Rape report soon followed the domestic abuse one, because I had stated sexual abuse in my first statement, which was incorrect). Of course, he also repeated to me at least1000 times a day nobody would have ever believed me.
After it, because as you can imagine.. few believed me, as my ex had foresaw, this including police and justice system.
In the meanwhile, I spent nearly 6 months trying to get some therapy and found myself in front of a huge problem... The only institution/organization where I could find support was the one connected with my ex. During the investigation he was suspended but then he decided to resign anyway (he knew very well he was guilty!!).
So when police informed everyone that he was let free, the abuse and rape line contacted me and offered me support. I asked for a face to face support too, not being very confident in using a phone support because I still have a strong accent and few get what I want to say.
That was never possible to arrange because the support workers... refused to do it various times!!
Just posting the whole text of the email I received from the manager of the abuse and rape line today:
Hello ".......",
Firstly apologies for the delay in responding. I have been off sick and just now catching up.
I am afraid that the support worker who is available just now for face to face support, feels it would be unethical for her to offer you support. This is not because of you, it is because she feels that it would be unethical as she knew the ex-volunteer. Currently she is the only support worker with a slot free for face to face. I do apologise, this does not seem to helping at all. I will continue to wait for another worker to become available, but I know this is not what you will be wanting to hear and so I can only apologise again.
Best wishes
Honestly.. shouldn't counsellors and doctors be detached in their jobs? Although my ex was there only once every two weeks, for two hours, so I wonder how much this lady knew my ex
As you can imagine, this made my life hell before and after the report.
Before it, because my ex was playing his "training and volunteering" card as a pass to abuse/rape whoever he liked so he drove me crazy (literally, because he was doing therapy to me, I was rescued by a counsellor for alcohoolics in early December who recognised the huge abuse I've been standing for one year. Rape report soon followed the domestic abuse one, because I had stated sexual abuse in my first statement, which was incorrect). Of course, he also repeated to me at least1000 times a day nobody would have ever believed me.
After it, because as you can imagine.. few believed me, as my ex had foresaw, this including police and justice system.
In the meanwhile, I spent nearly 6 months trying to get some therapy and found myself in front of a huge problem... The only institution/organization where I could find support was the one connected with my ex. During the investigation he was suspended but then he decided to resign anyway (he knew very well he was guilty!!).
So when police informed everyone that he was let free, the abuse and rape line contacted me and offered me support. I asked for a face to face support too, not being very confident in using a phone support because I still have a strong accent and few get what I want to say.
That was never possible to arrange because the support workers... refused to do it various times!!
Just posting the whole text of the email I received from the manager of the abuse and rape line today:
Hello ".......",
Firstly apologies for the delay in responding. I have been off sick and just now catching up.
I am afraid that the support worker who is available just now for face to face support, feels it would be unethical for her to offer you support. This is not because of you, it is because she feels that it would be unethical as she knew the ex-volunteer. Currently she is the only support worker with a slot free for face to face. I do apologise, this does not seem to helping at all. I will continue to wait for another worker to become available, but I know this is not what you will be wanting to hear and so I can only apologise again.
Best wishes
Honestly.. shouldn't counsellors and doctors be detached in their jobs? Although my ex was there only once every two weeks, for two hours, so I wonder how much this lady knew my ex
