Just wanted to let you all know I have been following this site for a long time following my own malicious allegation that I now find myself buried under. I have just plucked up the courage to talk about it and am at the mercy now of the CPS as the file has gone off to them...……..even with no evidence (other than her word of course!!!)
A co-worker of mine has got into some trouble at work and has maliciously accused me of the dreaded offence (occurring a good number of years ago) to try and deflect the attention from them. I'm now under investigation by the police (voluntary attendance fortunately - I wasn't arrested) and have been moved offices whilst it is looked at. I know that all my colleagues are behind me and they don't believe a word this person has come out with as the details are quite frankly ridiculous, however this doesn't really help me out. I can't take any more and have got signed off sick by my doctor.
I have sought out some CBT which has helped me manage some of the continuous worrying about worst case scenario replaying out in my head over and over again (me stood in bloody crown court!!
All I can think about is the worst case scenario of me being brought in front of a crown court and having the possibility of going to prison for something I have not, and would never do.
I can't talk to my parents because they will just worry sick. I have a professional job and have never even had a cross word from a manager, let alone any involvement with the police. Quite frankly I'm pooing my pants. I have spoken to my wife clearly and she has been fantastic - a true best friend.
I have confided in one close friend who has been great and really gets it but I just feel completely powerless and am waiting for someone who doesn't know either of us to make a life changing decision.
I've sought out some CBT which has helped me look at ways to deal with everything and have accessed some local mental health services but I have one question I still can't get my head around. Why would someone make such a hideous allegation up against me?
To top it all off my partner and I have been going through fertility treatment for the last 2 years and have very recently had a failed round of IVF.
Two really difficult situations have hit me both at once and although the CBT has helped a little bit I can't stop doubting myself, thinking about who can I ever trust again and how am I going to cope with potentially seeing this person again at work when I return after the matter is resolved.
Why on earth would this evil person make up such a thing????
If anyone has been through a similar situation I'd very much like to have a chat.
A co-worker of mine has got into some trouble at work and has maliciously accused me of the dreaded offence (occurring a good number of years ago) to try and deflect the attention from them. I'm now under investigation by the police (voluntary attendance fortunately - I wasn't arrested) and have been moved offices whilst it is looked at. I know that all my colleagues are behind me and they don't believe a word this person has come out with as the details are quite frankly ridiculous, however this doesn't really help me out. I can't take any more and have got signed off sick by my doctor.
I have sought out some CBT which has helped me manage some of the continuous worrying about worst case scenario replaying out in my head over and over again (me stood in bloody crown court!!

All I can think about is the worst case scenario of me being brought in front of a crown court and having the possibility of going to prison for something I have not, and would never do.
I can't talk to my parents because they will just worry sick. I have a professional job and have never even had a cross word from a manager, let alone any involvement with the police. Quite frankly I'm pooing my pants. I have spoken to my wife clearly and she has been fantastic - a true best friend.
I have confided in one close friend who has been great and really gets it but I just feel completely powerless and am waiting for someone who doesn't know either of us to make a life changing decision.
I've sought out some CBT which has helped me look at ways to deal with everything and have accessed some local mental health services but I have one question I still can't get my head around. Why would someone make such a hideous allegation up against me?
To top it all off my partner and I have been going through fertility treatment for the last 2 years and have very recently had a failed round of IVF.
Two really difficult situations have hit me both at once and although the CBT has helped a little bit I can't stop doubting myself, thinking about who can I ever trust again and how am I going to cope with potentially seeing this person again at work when I return after the matter is resolved.
Why on earth would this evil person make up such a thing????
If anyone has been through a similar situation I'd very much like to have a chat.