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What I think is evidence for me... Please devil's advocate me.

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  • What I think is evidence for me... Please devil's advocate me.

    Would the taxi driver not take action if he thought something was awry?
    Same for the hotel concierge?
    Hiccy found on my neck, shows her interest surely?
    If my accusor was looking for her friend, why would she suddenly decide to go to sleep?
    If she was so exhausted when she got into the hotel room, why woukd she take her clothes off with a stranger?
    On her apparant search for her friend, would she not say something when we 'instead'(her words in her statement)arrived at a hotel?
    Using the word instead suggests that she knew her friend was not there.
    She claims she called for someone to pick her up while I was out of the room, but i was actually there, can cctv prove this?

  • #2
    I just read your situation in your first post - I personally believe your side of the story and would imagine most people would say the same.

    Ive got virtually no experience in these things but I think the things you've pointed out will work well in your favour especially if you have a good solicitor (if it even gets that far)

    heres Devils advocate:

    Would the taxi driver not take action if he thought something was awry? Things may have been normal at the point
    Same for the hotel concierge? Same as above
    Hiccy found on my neck, shows her interest surely? Could have been from earlier in the night - does not always mean she wants sex?
    If my accusor was looking for her friend, why would she suddenly decide to go to sleep? So drunk/drugged?
    If she was so exhausted when she got into the hotel room, why woukd she take her clothes off with a stranger? People would argue that just because you get naked doesn't mean you want sex or they could argue that you removed her clothes
    On her apparant search for her friend, would she not say something when we 'instead'(her words in her statement)arrived at a hotel? They could try and say she was too scared to say anything or that you had tricked her and she was drunk enough too believe you
    Using the word instead suggests that she knew her friend was not there. In hindsight
    She claims she called for someone to pick her up while I was out of the room, but i was actually there, can cctv prove this?

    By the way the above is just because you asked for someone to play Devils advocate it took me a while to think of those and they're not really that feasible

    Here's my real thoughts below: (speaking as a 24yo woman who's been on a few nights out)

    Hiccy found on my neck, shows her interest surely? Yes especially if during foreplay (also shows she was awake)
    If my accusor was looking for her friend, why would she suddenly decide to go to sleep? She probably wouldn't, she would have left you at the lobby - this would have been a safe time to leave as if you tried to stop her she could have got help
    If she was so exhausted when she got into the hotel room, why woukd she take her clothes off with a stranger? I have never taken my clothes off in front of a man unless we where about to have sex, most women with normal social development arnt naive - to then be naked in the same bed (unless she explicitly told you before hand not to try anything) she would have been expecting something to happen
    On her apparant search for her friend, would she not say something when we 'instead'(her words in her statement)arrived at a hotel? Yes and would likely have left to continue her search or gone home.
    Using the word instead suggests that she knew her friend was not there.
    She claims she called for someone to pick her up while I was out of the room, but i was actually there, can cctv prove this? There wouldn't be cctv in your room, but maybe there would be cctv to prove you wernt in other areas of the hotel when she made her call.

    In this forum my comment will be too late for most - but I believe as much as young women should protect themselves (because there are rapists/predators out there) young men should be educated so that they can protect themselves from false accusations. At the same time, I don't think these girls always have malicious intentions, sometimes they might wake up disoriented possibly hysterical and try and piece together what happens, they might confide in someone who suggests rape as a possiblity and (being still under the influence) are more suggestible to less logical explanations - maybe this is what happened when she called her brother ? By the time they sober up and remember more things the damage is usually done, the lie spirals and a falsely accused life has been ruined.

    Sorry for long post hope it was some help - I'm not a proffesional or expert so hope I haven't said any thing out of line

    hope you get the NFA you've been waiting for


    • #3
      Thank you

      Thank you so much!

      Some really great responses there and you have backed up my defense thoughts. I'm preparing for a brutal second interview after a fairly timid first, this is a great help...

      Also a realistic 'motive', which is one of the parts that confused me most. I was in pure confusion from when she called her brother until i arrived at the station to hear what the arrest was for.

      I wont let this ruin my life as im happy and confident the way i am and dont think that should change because of - whatever the motive is. Hopefully others in the same situation can try not to let this affect them too much; if you are innocent, do your research, plan, and know theres a good chance things can go back to how they were, just with a better understanding of the UK police and courts system. Thanks again Needadvice1.


      • #4
        What a brilliant response from Needadvice1 and very pertinent too!
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

