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WAAAAAAAYYYYYY HAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY - really chuffed for you...... give yourselves time to heal and then enjoy rebuilding the rest of your life - in the meantime....
PS - thanks - I hope so
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Thanks all great to finally get the dancing banans I went out and had a little celebration.
Feel strange though, I guess its been a huge relief but I still feel a little worried and parranoid over it I guess that will subside with time.
Also I have to admit I'm a little disapointed I never recived any word from my exgf fa her since its been nfa'd. Before someone hits me over the head with a frying pan no I dont want to go back there. But I guess I just expected her to have the decency to text/email a simple sorry for what she's put me through or at least a hope your ok take care etc etc.
Then again I suppose someone who is capable of this isnt someone who has decency, a heart or a conciouns. No doubt she will probably be oblivious / in denile of the distruction she set in motion and has been enjoying life without a care in the world. At least she retracted in the end I suppose although that doesnt excuse her lies in the fist place.
Also a point to mention I didnt say at first is she tried to retract via the OIC who point blank refused to let her do this apparently. She gave her many excuses such as telling her its not possible to do, threatening prosecution, and then when she tried to persist the OIC completly ignored her and changed the subject. She was only able to retract by making a statement via her own solicitor and releasing it to the police. On retraction she didnt admit she lied but just that she got facts etc wrong.
Ah well. One day God will judge the lot of them. Will definitly stick around to answer posts and hopefully lead others to NFA's.