Hi All.
My story is a tad complicated to be honest. But here goes. (Deep breath)
My partner has been accused of rape by his wife and we need some help. It is a complicated situation, but basically, I am white and my partner is asian. He had an arranged marriage which took place on the 17th December 2011. It was a marriage of convenience and in the three and a half years I have been seeing him I knew it had to happen, he was not happy with the situation but that’s just how things had to be.
From the start his family had made it clear that a British visa would not be authorized until they were satisfied that the marriage was going to work. Basically the marriage failed in under a month and a week later she accused my partner of marital rape. We have a solicitor but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything to be honest. I don’t know how the legal system works in terms of finding the correct barrister. Do we have to just hope that the solicitor works with the barristers in this area?
My life has just stopped really since it happened. Time just seems to merge into one. I wake up and have two minutes peace and then the reality dawns and creeps into my mind like a horrid spectre. Taf is the nicest guy I have met. It breaks my heart that this has happened. I find myself constantly trying to stop myself crying and I NEVER used to cry. I am not that type of person but it's like tears are always there in the background, literally like I am grieving. However, some stories on here are far worse than mine. I will pray for all of us and somehow try and make the best of a bad situation by highlighting and campaigning in the future about what false allegation does.
Anyway, I can breathe now. Hi all! lol
My story is a tad complicated to be honest. But here goes. (Deep breath)
My partner has been accused of rape by his wife and we need some help. It is a complicated situation, but basically, I am white and my partner is asian. He had an arranged marriage which took place on the 17th December 2011. It was a marriage of convenience and in the three and a half years I have been seeing him I knew it had to happen, he was not happy with the situation but that’s just how things had to be.
From the start his family had made it clear that a British visa would not be authorized until they were satisfied that the marriage was going to work. Basically the marriage failed in under a month and a week later she accused my partner of marital rape. We have a solicitor but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything to be honest. I don’t know how the legal system works in terms of finding the correct barrister. Do we have to just hope that the solicitor works with the barristers in this area?
My life has just stopped really since it happened. Time just seems to merge into one. I wake up and have two minutes peace and then the reality dawns and creeps into my mind like a horrid spectre. Taf is the nicest guy I have met. It breaks my heart that this has happened. I find myself constantly trying to stop myself crying and I NEVER used to cry. I am not that type of person but it's like tears are always there in the background, literally like I am grieving. However, some stories on here are far worse than mine. I will pray for all of us and somehow try and make the best of a bad situation by highlighting and campaigning in the future about what false allegation does.
Anyway, I can breathe now. Hi all! lol
