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My Ordeal As Best as I can remember

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  • #31
    well done boldspirit, if each one of us could bring down a false accuser and save other men from their claws, the world would definitely be a safer/better place :-)


    • #32
      Originally posted by gem View Post
      boldspirit i would give anything to have my son home at this minute. he got 7 years for a guilty verdict with no evidence except false tears.
      run into your garden, and shout thank god for that i can live my life now yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. some of us don.t have that luxury ... but well done anyway good luck
      Gem, my heart truly goes out to you and your son....I'm so dreading having to write your words one day

      Boldspirit - well done and I've explained to my son (who has been falsely accused) - Many people have had one night stands etc, but let this be a lesson learned, you never really know the person you are sleeping with, evilness lies deep within , take care and enjoy your freedom xx
      I live in hope it's over forever


      • #33
        Need to add my son has been accused by someone he's had no sexual contact with but I told him to learn by all this and not sleep around cx
        I live in hope it's over forever


        • #34
          hi denise
          my son also never had sex with his accuser either.
          but i now know our defence team badly let us down in my son.s trial. their were conflicting statements made by his accuser and his witnesses. that should have been challenged by our team and the inconsistancies of the accusers 3 statements she made to the police should have been picked up on. we are now appealing with new solicitor who really knows his stuff. that is why i always give advice to get the best team from the start to defend you. if any one can learn from this then my job is done. hopefully you have a good defence barrister who knows his job.
          i hope all goes well with you denise i will be following your posts to see how you get on


          • #35
            Originally posted by gem View Post
            hi denise
            my son also never had sex with his accuser either.
            but i now know our defence team badly let us down in my son.s trial. their were conflicting statements made by his accuser and his witnesses. that should have been challenged by our team and the inconsistancies of the accusers 3 statements she made to the police should have been picked up on. we are now appealing with new solicitor who really knows his stuff. that is why i always give advice to get the best team from the start to defend you. if any one can learn from this then my job is done. hopefully you have a good defence barrister who knows his job.
            i hope all goes well with you denise i will be following your posts to see how you get on
            We haven't got a defence team yet Gem, I'm do worried if it goes to court can we get a good team that accepts legal aid ?

            My added bit wasn't aimed at you gem about no sexual contact it was added because my post could've suggested my sons accusers were because of a one night stand

            I really hope you get your son released, as stupid a question as this is, is he ok ? Xx
            I live in hope it's over forever


            • #36
              hi denise
              i know it wasn,t aimed at me. just wanted to add that my son had no idea why his accuser accused him as well. i really can,t get my head round it myself .
              RF is the best person to talk to regards getting a good barrister mabye someone on here can advise you on that one for legal aid. the specialist solicitor we are using now we are having to pay for im afraid but he has picked up so much on the case it makes us feel so hopeful.i have done a lot of delving into her past and come up with quite a lot so that also son is ok , been imprisoned for over 1 year now he is coping well considering what he has been through. and the thought of an appeal to keep him strong. his mates have been up to see him and offer their support. they all know he is not capable of doing this crime. that has cheered him up immensly.we all do our bit to help him cope,my daughter sends him funny joke books and long letters.. even a couple of his ex girlfriends have been to see him offering support.. thanks for asking denise


              • #37

                Most cases on here are bizarre and hard to get your head round

                In one way I hope I want to see their statements so I can pick them apart
                If at least 3 of their lies are provable surely there must be more when I see their statements that's what makes me so angry, the lies are written from them !

                I remembered something else yesterday evening

                OIC phoned me just before it went to CPS to ask the number of the road of the first property we shared, I told her but didn't ask why

                Last night I realised that's another bit of proof, their dates/property don't match like I originally told the OIC

                In another lie they said about a fictitious holiday , if we can find out where that holiday was supposed to have been we could prove we weren't there

                I think they've elaborated on that lie so much I'd love to know their answers to back it

                If I can't fully remember things when she asks me I always say its either possible or not or I can't fully remember

                But it doesn't sound like she's 'trapped ' them when going back to them after hearing my side

                God I hope this appeal works for your son and you gem, keep us updated xx
                I live in hope it's over forever


                • #38
                  hi denise
                  great you are remembering things for evidence. but as you are not at the charged stage please remember to copy all evidence before you hand it to the police.keep it safe for your solicitor. if they do decide to prosecute. you may have read many posts on here that police will lose evidence if they want a conviction. don,t want to scare you just want you to be fully armed at all times.make multiple copies of anything you find. my son made the mistake of telling the police his password for his facebook and msm account to prove his whereabouts at time of incident. the times we were looking for have been deleted on his account.we can,t check his hard drive because police refuse to give me back my computer.also you talked about the witness statements. don,t know how that works at this stage. i know my son had all the witness statements with him after the trial but i think our old solicitors handed them to him when we changed solicitors for appeal.


                  • #39
                    nooooooooooooo - don't hand any evidence to the police - its for your solicitor only.
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #40
                      hi RFLH
                      sorry what was i thinking of handing it to police .....slap my wrists for that one


                      • #41
                        I'll do it for you!
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by fighter View Post
                          well done boldspirit, if each one of us could bring down a false accuser and save other men from their claws, the world would definitely be a safer/better place :-)
                          Yes, good Boldspirit defo get involved in getting her done - she sounds like a serial accuser in the making.
                          False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.

