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false accusation advice wanted

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  • #16

    Hello InShock! Thing's are lookin up for you i'm so glad and yes there is only 1 person from the CPS that decide to charge u or not so it's possible they are on holiday

    Regards DT


    • #17
      thank you doubletake for such a prompt reply. i feel much better now, got to say though i am surprised that there is only one person i would of thought there would be at least 2-3 i am learning a lot recently. just my luck they would be on leave, although i have been positive throughout in the knowledge i was inccocent it is still weighing heavy on my shoulders the conversation with the officer this morning really helped but i will not be able to settle and move on from this till i have it in writing


      • #18

        Hi InShock, there did use to be a few people that decide but now there isnt i dont know if this is a good thing or a bad to be honest :/ But i do know it's true because when my partner was on bail he kept getting rebaild so i asked why is it takin so long the CID's reply was "CPS now only use one person to decide wether they will charge u or not" and obviosly they have alot of work on there hands" hope this help's

        Regards DT


        • #19
          thanks very much for that, i must say this forum is a real help don't no what id do without it, people on here who have experience with this sort of thing are able to answer questions that othererwise un-answered my head would be spinning


          • #20
            well another day about too end thought i might feel better by now but still feel exactly the same just able to manage it a bit better. one day at a time is all i can do just wish the days would go quicker


            • #21
              Hello InShock

              Hi, Time is a GREAT healer... i halfe forget my partner is due to go on trail from time to time it's realy horrid


              DT x


              • #22
                i guess im just living each day in the knowledge im innocent so should try and keep that at the front of my mind. Just really want someone to make a decision i aint done anything wrong so nfa me or take me to court and ill get a sol and prove it that way


                • #23
                  Hello InShock

                  Hello, waiting is the hardest part of it all unfortunatly just keep a strong head like u say u know ure innicent

                  Regard's DT x


                  • #24
                    well still no news here's to another week of hell


                    • #25

                      Hello InShock Sorry to here that keep strong!

                      DT x


                      • #26
                        Hello inShock

                        Sorry to hear about your situation. Good that you are here. This forum will give you a sea of information that will help you through this difficult time.

                        I was recently accused of rape (falsely). I was released on bail and it took the police 6 weeks before they decided on the outcome. The allegation was NFA'd about a week ago.

                        I know exactly what you are going through.

                        You just wish that the police can make a decision quickly. However, it seems like police maybe carrying out investigation to see if there is any evidence to support the false allegation before the CPS decide whether there is sufficient to consider a charge.

                        Bail could go potentially on for many many months, so be prepared. Hopefully, it may not and you will be NFA'd before your bail date.

                        The waiting game is the worst, try to keep yourself busy and talk to friends (you trust) or post on here - you will get excellent advise.

                        As RF mentioned 'All you can do is to sit it out and wait until you answer your next bail date'. You're on a merry-go-round at the moment which you have no control over, so try to keep yourself together, essentially (easier said than done).

                        Hope everything works out for you & keep strong.

                        kind regards

                        PS - Verity - excellent post


                        • #27
                          so sick of talking to my friends its so embaressing having to explain everything, there is still such a stigma attached to the accusation even tho i aint done anything wrong have had enough now


                          • #28
                            so tempted to put an end to this misery but that niggle in the back of my mind wanting to prove the truth first


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by inshock View Post
                              so tempted to put an end to this misery but that niggle in the back of my mind wanting to prove the truth first
                              Lots of people can relate to that. The begining of the year I went through a rough time, not related to this, but I seriously thought I was heading to prsion. Worse case scenario. Benefit related, their mistake, but it doesn't stop them prosecuting.
                              Anyway, I was that close to walking under a bus, everything turned out ok in the end. I couldn't see how it could before hand. But it did. No further action they called that too.
                              And I would rather stick needles in my eyes than claim a bean off the state now (apart from working tax credits)
                              What I am saying is, as bad as it is now, it doesn't mean it wont be ok. And you look back & think geez, that was too close & what a waste it would have been!


                              • #30
                                Hi Inshock,

                                I have been through hell - was arrested early November and only got the NFA early April (this month!). No reasons given - just delays at CPS, like you report. I have no idea why they even take cases where it is essentially one person's word against the other with little or no or only very circumstantial evidence against you TO the CPS at all. Surely some Inspector can sign off and stop wasting everyone's time and destroying someone's life.

                                FYI, I was bailed initially to end January, then administratively rebailed to end March and then again to end May - despite being told by the OIC it was going to CPS mid March and that I would know the answer before end March - my rebail date.

                                That second rebail was a terrible shock and frightened the hell out of me. Almost as bad as the arrest which came from nowhere.....

                                This whole process is appalling - I feel angry, stressed and upset - even though I am now NFA'ed. I am ashamed to admit I dwelt a number of times of the idea of suicide. I actually did go to the Samaritans at Christmas who were a great help. Even if you are having those thoughts, however mild, GO TO GP or GO TO SAMARITANS. You are not alone.

                                Not sure if you can email me, but I would be happy to chat on the phone if we can work out how to do it......

                                Keep the Faith.


