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Time to get my life sorted

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  • Time to get my life sorted

    As most of you know I was falsely accused in december and NFA'd in March.
    Well I've become a little sick and tired of sitting round waiting for something good to happen to cheer me up or make things feel more normal.
    I've seen a job in the local paper for sexual violence advisor and have requested an application pack. From what I gather its a phone contact centre and I wont have any physical contact with the victims. Does anyone know if i require CRB for this kind of role? And also should I get an interview, would my experience be one to discuss or leave it well alone unless I'm asked about?
    I feel i have a lot to offer in this role and will not lie down and have my life ruined

  • #2
    I don't know, Macdougal, it's a bit of a hot cookie. Great that you want to turn things around, but some may think it's inappropriate to offer support to sexual violence victims from someone who has been accused of sexual violence.
    It's for that same reason that I steer clear of the Been Raped side of this forum; I'd be seen as a hypocrite and no doubt some would question my motives for wanting contact with victims. Thrill, kicks, etc, so I got involved with the side of the fence which is appropriate to me.
    Although your experience is relevant to the subject matter, it's more relevant to someone who's been Falsely Accused than to someone who is a sexual victim.
    Having been through what you have, it's something which would be worth mentioning in the right application, but not advertising in others. Can't speak about the CRB, but it's not something I'd rush into.


    • #3
      Hi MacDougal

      It's good to hear you are taking positive steps.
      With regard to the job, I am not sure but would guess that if you are dealing with victims of sexual violence, even over the phone, then a CRB check might be deemed necessary. Is it a local government position, or with a charity/private company? The application pack should state whether a CRB check is required.

      With regard to mentioning your experience - I would avoid referring to it unless you are specifically asked. Regardless of you being NFAd, the "no smoke without fire" brigade might still take a dim view. I am not suggesting that everyone has this opinion, but many people do.

      Sorry if that sounds negative - I am just trying to be realistic.

      let us know how you get on.


      • #4
        I agree with what's been said - they also may prefer someone who may not be biased.

        It's a tough one, but perhaps you could help in the campaigns that are going off to promote false accusations.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          These are things which have definately crossed my mind. In my opinion I dont think anyone who was making a false allegation would use a call centre for advice. They want to be heard and seen not just heard in order to get the attention they desire. Which in my view takes away any bias that I might have towards the victims.
          A few years ago while I was at college I was confided in by a friend of a friend (who I'd never met and only met twice after that night) who said her step-dad was sexually abusing her and had for several years and her mum kept calling her a liar. I offered the girl my advice in a very caring and understanding manner and after using the approaches I suggested her mum did believe and got rid of this man. I never found out whether or not she went to the police but i'd obviously made a difference to this girls life when i was 17. Ive been through a lot have great life experience and now at 24 I feel i have more to offer and my advice and support could be even more effective than that 7 years ago.
          Why in a sexual violence centre? Because I understand both sides of the spectrum, there is a job available in my area and above all (the reason that sickened me more than the thought of going to prison) people who commit sex offences are the worst kind of criminal. and i want to help put a stop to it and help those that suffer it.
          I will keep you informed of my progress anyway. and i do appreciate your comments


          • #6
            I guess they can only say no - and if you don't try then you'll never know!

            Good luck and keep us posted.
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #7
              It is entirely possible of course that you would end up dealing with somebody who is making false allegations. Or you might think somebody is lying when they are not and your experiences with false allegations might colour your judgement. Not a good idea in my book.
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~

