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Drunken rape

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  • Drunken rape

    okay. i was at a party and there were lots of guys and girls getting drunk. i met a guy who i new before hand but not very well. we got talking and he kept getting me alchol, before i new it i was drunk and unable to walk upstairs or in a straight line. the guy i met wasnt drinking anything and didnt drink anything the whole night. i woke up the next morning very unsure as to what happend the night before. i rememberd kissing this guy but i wasnt sure what happend afterwards.
    a few weeks later my period started and it was a lot thinker and had clots in and stuff. this gave me the inpression that i had had a miscarage .

    my question is, is there any actuall proof tht this sexual act happend? also is it classified as rape? because i dont remember what happend im not sure weather i said yes or not. does this matter? please help.

  • #2
    Hi Guest

    This is a tricky one - if you can't remember what happened, and even whether you had sex with him, how can you be sure you were raped? this is an exceptionally severe allegation to make, so before you even think about going to the police you need to be sure about what you are saying. The fact that you are looking at this site would suggest that you feel something untoward took place, but if you go to the police and tell them what you have just told us, it is unlikely they will take you seriously.

    having a very heavy period is not necessarily a sign that you have had a miscarriage - even if your periods are not usually heavy, this can still happen. You would need to have gone to your doctor at the time to be sure.

    If he did have sex with you while you were unconscious, then it most certainly is rape - you cannot give your consent if you are unconscious. Do you actually remember whether intercourse took place? It certainly sounds as though he behaved in a predatory fashion, plying you with alcohol, when you were clearly already very drunk.

    I don't want to sound harsh, but before you take this further you need to make sure you have a clear idea of whether sex took place, and whether you consented to it. try writing everything you can remember down on paper - often this can help you remember. talk to other people who were there.

    Good luck



    • #3
      It is indeed tricky...Can I confuse everyone further? It was the other way round for me, my rapist was drunk. What about those kind of situations?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Stacey@19th April 2005 - 06:15 PM
        It is indeed tricky...Can I confuse everyone further? It was the other way round for me, my rapist was drunk. What about those kind of situations?
        tricky as well.

        I have never heard of this sort of situation, but then I am fairly new to this site, and luckily for me, I have no real experience of rape.

        The advantage for you, is that if he was drunk and you weren't, your barrister may be able to argue that you were in full possession of your faculties while he wasn't. In many cases the amount of alchohol consumed is seen to be a factor which gives reasonable doubt to the jury: can either party really remember what went on if they were so drunk?

        But if you were sober and he wasn't, then I would guess that a good barrister would be able to argue that your testimony is more likely to be reliable than his. Have you got any more news for us?


        • #5
          Not really - bail ends in May, is there anything I can do before that? I'm presuming I have just to sit tight and wait?

