just to keep you all updated with my son he finaly took an overdose last wk 4 days befor his birthay this is what it does to innocent people his court case was nearly a yr ago and the effects its having on him is terrible all because someone wanted money anyone reading this and knows that they have falsley accused or are thinking about doing it PLEASE DON'T this sort of false allegations DESTROYS PEOPLE AND THERE FAMILIES
No announcement yet.
False accusations
I?ll start by saying that I hope your son is now OK. False accusers do destroy people?s lives - careers, families, relationships, trust are all changed irreversibly. I myself am a rape survivor, 3 years ago so I?m over the worst of it. What has bought it to the fore again is that someone very close to me has recently been accussed of rape. I would be the first person to point the finger if i thought that there was any indication of guilt but i am 200% sure that this is a vindictive accusation and that the person involved has done nothing wrong - he helped me after my attack and was repulsed by the whole idea of rape. The local press have named him so it is affecting his whole life and destroying his family with worry. Mud sticks with rape allegations - how does he prove his innocence and clear his name?
Does anybody know whether I would be accepted as a defence witness (I am a family member of the accused)? Although I don?t really want the details of my case in the public arena I figure it would help in his defence and also send out the message that there are real rape victims out here whose credibility will be affected by all the fake accusations flying about.
You could try getting him in touch with one of the organisations that help falsely accused people that's been mentioned here before like FASO, http://www.false-allegations.org.uk/
Someone who posted here once said they're helpful.My self-help articles on problems ranging from depression and phobias to marriage difficulties, to looking after children and teenagers, to addictions and destructive behaviours like anorexia, to bullying, to losing weight, to debating skills: http://broadcaster.org.uk/self-help
And my article: How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural
Originally posted by karen@17th December 2004 - 04:23 PM
I?ll start by saying that I hope your son is now OK. False accusers do destroy people?s lives - careers, families, relationships, trust are all changed irreversibly. I myself am a rape survivor, 3 years ago so I?m over the worst of it. What has bought it to the fore again is that someone very close to me has recently been accussed of rape. I would be the first person to point the finger if i thought that there was any indication of guilt but i am 200% sure that this is a vindictive accusation and that the person involved has done nothing wrong - he helped me after my attack and was repulsed by the whole idea of rape. The local press have named him so it is affecting his whole life and destroying his family with worry. Mud sticks with rape allegations - how does he prove his innocence and clear his name?
Does anybody know whether I would be accepted as a defence witness (I am a family member of the accused)? Although I don?t really want the details of my case in the public arena I figure it would help in his defence and also send out the message that there are real rape victims out here whose credibility will be affected by all the fake accusations flying about.
Hi Karen
Don't take this as gospel because i am not in the legal profession, but i think that family members can only give evidence if their statement has a direct bearing on the case. eg: if you were there at the time (just an example!or if you can testify as to his state of mind immediately after the allegation, then you may be allowed to give evidence, but if you are there as a character witness the prosecution may well dismiss your testimony as biased due to your family ties to him. I agree that your status as a survivor would probably reflect well on him, but the hearsay laws are very strict, and your testimony may well be construed as that. Your solicitor should be able to offer you more accurate advice than me!
At the end of the day, the only real thing you can do is be there for him, and if you can face it, attend the trial so that the jury can see a very public display of support. Don't underestimate the value of your support. If he is being targeted by local "vigilantes", the police should get involved. He is not convicted and therefore should be regarded as innocent. (I know from bitter experience that this is not always the case, and my heart goes out to you) He is as entitled to protection as much as any victim.
Your situation is pretty unique, having been a victim of this dreadful crime yourself, and now finding someone you love accused of rape. I hope all goes well for you and your friend.
Hello Karen,
Degree of caution as I too am not entirely certain but I think your evidence may be admissable. As Saffron rightly says it would have no bearing on the actual alleged offence, but in my view it certainly goes to character and propensity. If I were a defence Barrister I would be very keen on having your evidence heard if this matter ever went to trial.
It would depend on a number of considerations in my opinion:
First and foremost, your friend would have to be of previous good character. If the defence raise his good character it leaves the door open for the prosecution to attack it if they can. So he would need to be squeaky clean.
I would also be asking if the attack on yourself is documented.
I think your evidence of his empathy towards a rape victim could be very powerful.
In a summing up, the judge is obliged to mention good character in terms that such persons are more likely to be truthful and have less propensity to commit offences, it is very useful that the jury have demonstrated to them examples of that good character.
Lets hope it doesn't come to this.
Seasons greetings to everyone.
hi karen
your friend had the fight of his life in front of him what you need to tell him to do is get as many charactor references as he can, in court we were told that the jury was not allowed to no that shane was sqeacky clean he had just been excepted into the police force just as he got accused he had never been in trouble and was the kindest person going, i would personaly warn your friend that he WILL be offerd a plea bargain or frightened into taking one, tell him to be very aware of this my son was scared into taking one, he was stitched up by his own barristor because he had another case to do and his wife was pregnant (we live up north the case was down south) he obviously wanted to get back up here, we have since been told this by the X copper that now drinks with my son, and who is willing to write a statement saying this my son is going through an appeal of which could take yrs we live up north the case was down south, good luck to you and your friend you our going to need it x
hi ashley happy new to all firstley
as for being sqeaky clean has no bearing what so ever my son was and still is and that didn't do him any favours once you have been charged whether you like it or not in the eyes of the law and the public you are quilty even tho some are not this day and age you have to prove your not quilty not be proved, and beleive me with what my son went through i wouldn't wish on a single human being, apart from the filth that actualy DO commite these crimes
Hi all
I read your posts with great interest . As someone who was falsely accused of rape [ by my ex-wifes lesbian girlfriend] and a member of the FASO support team I feel that this kind of forum can be an invaluable resource for those facing similar problems.
Both my accuser and my ex-wife are now being investigated for perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice and I feel that it is important that false accusers are prosecuted for these offences, if only to put others off from making similar accusations.
The police are very reluctant to take action against people who make false allegations despite the fact that wasting police time is a crime in its right. The excuses they use range from "its a civil matter" [attempting to pervert the course of justice is a common law crime that carries a potential life prison sentance] to " it will put off other victims from coming forward".
Both FASO and JGC are familiar with the process by which police forces can be forced to proceed against false accusers even if your name is not Hamilton.
The more false accuser that are brought to book, the less false accusations there will be and the more police time will be available to deal with real victims
My brother has been acused of rape and childmolestion, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. The girls ( two teenagers, and their mother are relatives of ours ) has all but killed my brother and our family. The one girl remains a virgin, so explain to me some one, how can a teenage girl be raped and still be a virgin? Her sister has an STD, so my brother was tested. His and his wife's medical records examined and both have NEVER had any STD's. This same girl has herpes and as we all know, they don't ever go away.
There was and is NO, evidence of any kind to either of their allegations. The older girl has said her mother's boyfriend was rapeing her to, instead of going to the State Police, she went to my brother. At this time, my brother is totally unaware of what their about to accuse him of. Now if my brother is rapeing you, why would you go near him and tell him that your mother's boyfriend is rapeing you? My brother and sister in law, had taken these same two girls in when their mother, a drunk, shacks up with any man, does drugs, and has DWI charges agaisnt her had abandoned them. My brother and sister in law gave them a home, treated them both as if they were their own children, and this is he thanks they receive ???????????
I had been at my brother's home when these rapes were said to have occured by these two girls and their mother, which the younger girl has stated, her mother helps her to remember, no her mother get's her to lie. During the times these rapes were suppose to have been happening there were, three adults, ( my brother, sisiter in law and my self ), and four boys ( we each had two son's at the time) in his home. The two girls were always in his living room watching movies ( the cartoon kind ). His home was a modular one. No basement to speak of or second floor.
The mother's boyfriend was never even questioned. These three females have been in the local paper ( They all live in a very small hick town ) countless times for accusing elderly men, their own father& husband, and neighbor men for the same things as my brother. The mother names the target and her two daughters starts the allegations. The older girl has amitted to being sexually active with more than one boyfriend from the time she was thirteen.
We have put out thousands and thousands of dollars in attorney fees, to which the attorney's want up front, get, and do absolutely nothing to help my brother. If anyone out there has any advice or could help us in anyway, please, I beg of you contact me at pooh3150@aol.com. So many innocent people have been put in prison for these same kind of false allegations. I know some of them are true, but not all. I am a woman and mother of two son's, I don't want any child molester or pedophile on the street, he's my brother yes, but he's innocent, I was in his home, these things NEVER HAPPENED. These same two girls and their mother forgot about my being at my brother's home, when they decided to make up these false allegations, because I live in a different state, yet I was not allowed to testify in my brother's behalf!!
The mother of these two girls is our first cousin, I have seen her with my own eyes, trying to put the make on my brother, I offered to kick her butt when I seen her do that. I truely believe she was in love with my brother and wanted to break up his marriage, so she got her daughters to tell these lies, but it went to far, and got so out of hand, that none of the three are going to tell the truth now, because of the fear of them going to prison them selves for perjury.
My poor brother has been in prison going on two years now, I have seen first hand what these kind of false allegations can do to another human being, he has aged twenty years ( I didn't reconize him at all ), the depression is slowly killing him, the lonelyness is killing him being away from his wife, children, and family. I am fighting everyway I can find to try and clear his name of these heinous crimes he did not commit.
The Judge in this hick town sentenced my brother to a longer prison term, than any other person and crime they committed. A killer walked free, because the Judge said there was lack of evidence. There was NO EVIDENCE of any kind of my brother committing these crimes. So if any of you out there can make any sense of any of what I had wrote here, please let me know, because everything I have wrote is true.
Please if anyone out there can just give me some advice or name of a decent attorney that will help, I'm begging you to please contact me.
hi jeanie i'm so sorry to hear about your brother this ordeal you are going through is hell i no iv been there i personaly can't give you any advice as you live in the states i'm in england so at a guess i would say that your laws are very different from ours... i no where my sister lives in texas all there laws are different from one town to another all i can say is keep fighting for him get as many relatives friends etc to get together 2 try clear his name i wish you all the best keep intouch and let us no how you are getting good luck take care x
my life is over my so in jail he didn;t rape this girl when i found that my son was getting 10 to 20 years im life was over i went home i took 60 sleeping pills i all mouse die wish i did why no cares i cry all the time im selling my home i have no one i can live like is i ask god why me i payed over 100'000 of dallar tina
Things aren't necessarily hopeless. There may be a possibility of an appeal. There is a lot of support out there. It's just that sometimes, it's difficult to find. There is an email list for falsely accused people called A-Team.org - The False Accusations Email List for those wrongly accused. They'll probably be able to give you lots of advice about what to do next.
You may find a lot of support on this board as well.My self-help articles on problems ranging from depression and phobias to marriage difficulties, to looking after children and teenagers, to addictions and destructive behaviours like anorexia, to bullying, to losing weight, to debating skills: http://broadcaster.org.uk/self-help
And my article: How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural
Hi this is angel. My boyfriend is already depressed and he hasnt been charged with anything yet. He is not the same ever since he was accused of raping a 16 year old. I don't know how to help him. He knows that I am by him 100%. But he just is not the same anymore. he has told me that he wants to kill himself but I just vant picture him doing it.
hi angel i'm a little confused you say in your post that you went to bed and yet you left your b/friend with a girl sat on his lap didn't that make you a little suspicious of what he might do or get up to i'm sure i wouldn't of gone to bed knowing that another women was sat on my b/f lap you say you ha only just met these girls the night before so they wern't friends of your why leave your man with someone you don't know?