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Last Activity: 21 hours ago
Joined: 17 January 2010
Location: South East
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Christmas 2018 (Topic in the General discussion and chat forum)
26 December 2018, 09:41 AM
Christmas 2019 (Topic in the General discussion and chat forum)
24 December 2019, 08:28 PM
Christmas is coming so is the memorries Rights fighter (Topic in the Help and Advice: Falsely accused of rape? forum)
17 December 2016, 07:53 PM
Christmas Prayer.... (Topic in the Help and Advice: Falsely accused of rape? forum)
9 December 2016, 08:33 AM
class bias?? (Topic in the The Justice System forum)
17 March 2015, 07:43 AM
Cleaning up (Topic in the Help and Advice: Falsely accused of rape? forum)
8 February 2013, 05:31 PM
cleared of rape..two boys! (Topic in the Help and Advice: Falsely accused of rape? forum)
24 October 2014, 06:37 PM
Clearing my name? (Topic in the Help and Advice: Falsely accused of rape? forum)
17 June 2013, 07:18 AM
Cliff Richard wins damages for defamation from the BBC (Topic in the False Rape accusations and allegations in the news forum)
9 August 2018, 02:46 PM
Cliff Richard's home searched (Topic in the Rape in the news forum)
17 August 2014, 11:10 PM
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