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Re the proposed change to the law to make it illegal not to report child abuse, David Cameron said, "As long as it doesn't result in innocent people being accused!!!!!" The man has no idea..........................
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
People often do especially when first accused. Either they don't get an answer or it's a whitewash. He is not interested in false allegations, only interested in placating the panicked public by putting as many people into prison as possible (look at all the work inmates do for about £9.50 a week - prisons are cash cows). The more people convicted (no matter if wrongly) the happier the public is, as they feel 'safer'. What the public does not realise is -
One of my lads is earning £9.50 a week as a clerk in the tailor shop where he is.
Many years ago there was an All-Party Select Committee for False Allegations but that disbanded after their leader stepped down from being an MP. That was Claire Curtis-Thomas. What a star she was. She even visited men in prison and would give them a hug as that's the only physical positive human contact they had........
Yes it is - and the way it is headline news every day means you can't get away from it anywhere. However, in discussions with some of my family, and a couple of friends they all say that everyone is getting fed up with hearing about it and there is little sympathy for the alleged victims of alleged historical abuse by celebrities.
As soon as you can PM - please PM me.... MH
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
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"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
You know, with all these false accusations and dreadful stories of unjust on here, does anyone get justice and walk away from this? I can't see many positives outcomes at all. Soneone calls rape, they build a case against you, they allow the woman to change their story , miss out vital evidence and charge you anyway.
Is it THAT hit and miss? Is it down to Luck At the end of the day? This is horrendous !!!!
Hi Incredulous - you are now a full member and can send private messages. Top left of the home page it says "Private messages". Click on that and follow the instructions
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh