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Anonymity for rape suspects? I say name the men AND the women
Good article with many interesting points of view. The part that I picked up on which isn't voiced enough to my mind is why make rape a crime way and above other violent crimes. Any crime where one person uses superior force on another whatever the motif to terrorise and physically , morally ,and psychologically damage is hidious and should be punished very severely. This is why I feel the re-definition of rape (lumping violent rape with iffy issues concerning 'consent' ) is full of short-comings.
Thanks for posting
There is a thread on the mums net forum I stumbled upon today. Couldn't stop myself posting an answer to
one who said ...a false allegation of a sexual nature affects and impacts on the accused no more than it would if it was an allegation of murder or burglary. Silly mare needs to be speaking to some of the people falsely accused on here before she goes spouting her feminist claptrap !LP.
Together We Can Beat This Hell
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..