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  • Hello

    Hi all, I still find it hard to tell my story. I was a very naive and trusting 17 year old. I fell for flattery. I lost a good friend 4 months before meeting him so was feeling low. He worked with members of the public so I felt I could trust him (how wrong was I!).
    It happened the first night I stayed at his. He told me I could sleep in the spare room. When we arrived at his via train (I couldn't drive and he didn't have a car), he told me to leave my bag at the bottom of the stairs and we'd take it up later. We went to bed very late. I then found out the spare room was in complete disarray and the bed wasn't even made! There was no way you could even make the bed as it had lots of stuff shoved on top! I froze on the stairs. He then suggested I sleep with him. He gave me his word he wouldn't touch me. Needless to say his word didn't mean much. I tried to forget it happened. He was my first and I loved him. After about a month or so, I began to resent him and so finished with him. I told my mum what happened thinking she'd be there for me. She told me it was probably wrong vibes. I told her it definitely wasn't, but she wouldn't have it. I left the room and didn't talk to her about it again. My sister remained good friends with him and played part in his mind games. I thought my mum just couldn't cope with what I told her, but a little while later my sister went through a similar experience. She got offered lots of support. My mum and dad couldn't do enough! I felt as though someone had stabbed me in the back. Needless to say my relationship with my mum has never been the same. I still find it too painful to talk about even after 18 years.

    I'm still trying to live with it, but I have mostly good days now. I have an amazing hubby and wonderful children. There is light at the end of all the pain.

    Sorry it got a bit long. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
    Music lady

  • #2
    Hi Music Lady, I've moved you post to a different category, so hopefully you'll get some replies from those who have been through the same thing.

    I'm sorry that you have been through this, have you ever received any counselling? You may find that it will help you. It seems that you feel your Mum has let you down, I'm sure that it did register at the time - it may have been her way of coping by trying to ignore it. Do you think you could talk to her about it now and tell her how its still affecting you.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi and welcome
      Like RFLH has suggested counselling may be helpful. Have a look at the stickies for some numbers or you could ask your gp. It's great you have a supportive husband. Do you ever talk about this with him?
      "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


      • #4
        Hi, thanks for the quick replies.

        I haven't had any counselling. I have thought about it recently. I decided not to in the end as I feel I have come a long way. I have spoken to others that are going through counselling for various reasons and I just don't think it's for me at the moment.

        I have always felt like I don't fit in with my parents. They have told me in the past that it's because they nearly lost my sister as a baby ( I think there may be more to it than that, but that's another story!) My mum isn't in the best of health at present and I have been told that any stress could be fatal so feel I can't really talk to her. I don't think it would do any good anyway as she hasn't really been there for me. She's there for me when it suits. When it comes to men, she's not there. When it happened, I had a really good friend I used to confide in. They helped me no end. Unfortunately we have both gone our separate ways so I don't see them anymore.

        I have talked to my hubby about it and I feel it has helped.

        Thanks again for the replies.
        Music lady x

