i was recently raped while in a mental illness crisis. its hard to explain but i will try.
i had become very unwell/upset and extremely dissociated
my not quite sane mind thought that if i could make it to the psych ward/unit they might help me. so (i know i know i know) in floods of tears i walked across town at 2 in the morning.
due to the dissociation i kept 'blacking out'
though i was crying all the time as far as i can tell
a man approached me and said he knew the way to the psych unit when i told him that was where i was trying to get to.
i wasnt thinking straight and just kept walking with him
end result was he didnt take me to the psych unit.
my memories of that night are incomplete, due to my mental state
but the parts that i do remember are bad enough
i didnt fight or cry out or anything. in fact i didnt respond in any way except to keep saying i wanted to go to the psych unit and that i didnt think this was the right road.
i reported it to the police about 72 hours later
(but went to family planning for EC the next day)
they said they wouldnt even look for forensic evidence on me.
i have the clothes i wore that night in a plastic bag in my wardrobe but they didnt even want them.
they didnt give me any leaflets or info. not even the name of the officers who i talked to.
they said CID would contact me. its been over a week and no ones even called me. they havent taken my statement yet. they said theyd get victim support to contact me but that hasnt happened either.
im starting to feel like they dont believe me, or are just passing me off as a mental patient. (even though the law has a whole section about sexual assault of the mentally ill)
im scared they arent going to get back to me.
i know the chances of it going to court are almost zero anyway (i mean, a 5.6% conviction rate in 2003)
but i have to walk down that very same street every time i go to see my psychiatrist. im terrified i will run into this man again.
but then i dont know if id be brave enough to press charges even if i could. surely they would rip me to shreds in court??? a psych patient???
and im scared what they would ask
i have been assaulted before by an ex. i didnt report it then (too ill and abusive bf convinced me it was all my own fault for being a bad crazy person and that he didnt do anything wrong. ) but if they ask i cant lie, but what if my ex then charged me with slander or something????
and there was abuse in my childhood but not all my family know and i dont want them to because they wuld not be supportive and i could well end up with nowhere to live
but i dont want this man to get away with it, or to feel scared every time i see my shrink.
they say the defence arent allowed to ask about previous sexual history but all the people i know who have been through it said the judge allowed it anyway.
and im getting no emotional support. cpn and social worker said i couldnt tlk about it to them because they 'are not trained counsellors' and so it might do more harm than good. but, get this, apparently in this town, there are no counsellors availible through mental health services. only various therapies. and its far too soon for that and my shrink wont let me anyway because im too unstable in my mood. and thats not what i need. i need a supportive counsellor. i need someone anyone who knows the first thing about sexual assault. (the comments from the mental health team were beyond insensitive and ignorant... 'you have reported it to the police so now you can move on and put it all behind you and just get on with your life'
i cant afford private counselling because im on benefits (due to said mental illness)
and the nearest rape crisis centre is over an hour away by coach and timing coach arrivals with appointmsnts and finding my way round a strange big city when i am not well, just isnt an option right now.
sorryive gone on and on
but i feel pretty awful and scared and think the police are not taking me seriously. they seemed to think there was nothing wrong with someone doing that to me when i was in that state, because i didnt resist much or articulately express my non-consent.
i had become very unwell/upset and extremely dissociated
my not quite sane mind thought that if i could make it to the psych ward/unit they might help me. so (i know i know i know) in floods of tears i walked across town at 2 in the morning.
due to the dissociation i kept 'blacking out'
though i was crying all the time as far as i can tell
a man approached me and said he knew the way to the psych unit when i told him that was where i was trying to get to.
i wasnt thinking straight and just kept walking with him
end result was he didnt take me to the psych unit.
my memories of that night are incomplete, due to my mental state
but the parts that i do remember are bad enough
i didnt fight or cry out or anything. in fact i didnt respond in any way except to keep saying i wanted to go to the psych unit and that i didnt think this was the right road.
i reported it to the police about 72 hours later
(but went to family planning for EC the next day)
they said they wouldnt even look for forensic evidence on me.
i have the clothes i wore that night in a plastic bag in my wardrobe but they didnt even want them.
they didnt give me any leaflets or info. not even the name of the officers who i talked to.
they said CID would contact me. its been over a week and no ones even called me. they havent taken my statement yet. they said theyd get victim support to contact me but that hasnt happened either.
im starting to feel like they dont believe me, or are just passing me off as a mental patient. (even though the law has a whole section about sexual assault of the mentally ill)
im scared they arent going to get back to me.
i know the chances of it going to court are almost zero anyway (i mean, a 5.6% conviction rate in 2003)
but i have to walk down that very same street every time i go to see my psychiatrist. im terrified i will run into this man again.
but then i dont know if id be brave enough to press charges even if i could. surely they would rip me to shreds in court??? a psych patient???
and im scared what they would ask
i have been assaulted before by an ex. i didnt report it then (too ill and abusive bf convinced me it was all my own fault for being a bad crazy person and that he didnt do anything wrong. ) but if they ask i cant lie, but what if my ex then charged me with slander or something????
and there was abuse in my childhood but not all my family know and i dont want them to because they wuld not be supportive and i could well end up with nowhere to live
but i dont want this man to get away with it, or to feel scared every time i see my shrink.
they say the defence arent allowed to ask about previous sexual history but all the people i know who have been through it said the judge allowed it anyway.
and im getting no emotional support. cpn and social worker said i couldnt tlk about it to them because they 'are not trained counsellors' and so it might do more harm than good. but, get this, apparently in this town, there are no counsellors availible through mental health services. only various therapies. and its far too soon for that and my shrink wont let me anyway because im too unstable in my mood. and thats not what i need. i need a supportive counsellor. i need someone anyone who knows the first thing about sexual assault. (the comments from the mental health team were beyond insensitive and ignorant... 'you have reported it to the police so now you can move on and put it all behind you and just get on with your life'

i cant afford private counselling because im on benefits (due to said mental illness)
and the nearest rape crisis centre is over an hour away by coach and timing coach arrivals with appointmsnts and finding my way round a strange big city when i am not well, just isnt an option right now.
sorryive gone on and on
but i feel pretty awful and scared and think the police are not taking me seriously. they seemed to think there was nothing wrong with someone doing that to me when i was in that state, because i didnt resist much or articulately express my non-consent.