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I think i was druged with GHB!

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  • I think i was druged with GHB!

    It happened last friday evening whilst out with a few friends. To cut this shorter i ended up in my friends boyfriends bar whilst it was closed, there was me, my friend and her boyfriend. I had had a quite a few to drink on which i normaly do when i go out and 9 times out of 10 i can firmly say i can hold my drink!
    What happened was whilst in the bar and friend and her boyfriend had a domestic, don't know what about and bearing in mind they were all lovley dovey an hour or so ago.
    I have very strong memory of the whole of the evening up until this point, i don't recall my friend leaving the bar, but what i do recall is being sat in front of this guy on a high bar stool.
    I arrived home at 5.40am with my husband demanding to know where i had been...but from he has said ...i said " i don't know where i have been and i don't know who i have been with"
    I ended up just falling into bed i had taken all my clothes off ...chains earings ect.
    I then awoke at 11.05 and i was in pain in my back paasage area. There was blood on knickers which was obvious from my back passage and i felt like i had done ten rounds with Mike Tyson. I was vilolently sick for about 2 days after the event.
    I reported it to the police that day, went to the rape centre...and went through the video interview.
    At present i have no memory of what happened to me and how i got home...just very vague flash backs.
    The report i got back from the rape centre stated that rough sex had occureded and there was no visible evidence of forced sex!!! Now i could'nt sit down for at least 4 days because my back passage was so sore and i have an hell of alot of bad bruising.
    This guy did get arrested admitted to having sex with me and said i consented to it and he did'nt perform anal sex on me!! Now i'm sorry but i know my own body i know this scumbag did something to me that i would'nt do normaly in my marriage.

    I have also learned that this excuse of a man has done it do i prove that??
    He also lives on the same street as me, and every time i go to my front door i feel phyiscaly sick!
    All i want is my life back, my freedom, and for this pain to go away.

    I'll just let you all know what i know about this guy. He is known to beat his girlfriend up...i have seen the bruises..which are always hidden unless you look for them. His house has been drug raided..not many people in our town like him, including me I NEVER HAVE DONE!! He's been on drugs himself...infact he more than likely get's an xmas card from the police each year. And the police are still pussy footing around him, i just can't weigh it up.
    I have a clean record never been in trouble with police before..i don't take drugs i have a very good network of friends..i'm happily married with 3 children and run my own i still can't bloody weigh this up, in fact it stinks!!!

  • #2
    Hi Chez,
    This is awful but please take a little reassurrance from the fact that GHB and Rohypnol are used by these discusting people to commit this crime because they act on the body as a muscle relaxant. I have done a little research into different drugs used for spiking since my rape 5 months ago (5 months tomorrow at 6.20am since I woke up not knowing where I was!&#33.
    I spoke to Jim Campbell - ex home office forensic scientist who helps with The Roofie Foundation and also Graham Rhodes - founder of Roofie and they both confirmed what I have just said about these drugs.
    If you were drugged then no force would have to be used. I had one bruise on my inner upper arm and that was the only visible mark.
    Lets hope that the fact that 'he' has done this before and that you've reported your attack so promptly will lead to this evil excuse for a person being sent to prison for a very long time, where no doubt he will get further punishment,
    I know what you're going through and I can't do anything to make it any easier although I would dearly love to. 5 months on and I still have nightmares, sleepless nights, afraid of going out and really feel that I've had my self-confidence, self esteem and my sparkle robbed from me. However, we both have loving husbands, wonderful children and fantastic friends and must keep that in mind when everything seems too much.
    Many times I've thought that I wouldn't still be here today if I didn't have my kids, they are what keep me sane and force me to carry on with the day to day things that us mums have to do. I dare say you are in the same boat and have to keep things normal for your children and although it is incredibly hard and exhausting to do so, it is what keeps us going and will help us to be survivors.
    Keep in touch, you can get my email if you want a more personal chat.
    Take care xxx


    • #3
      Hello hun, im so sorry to hear what has happened to you.Firstly though i want to say well done for going to the police in the first place.Not many people do and the longer you leave it the more 'evidence' dissapears
      Im so sorry though that they didnt have enough to nail this guy.From how you describe him though it sounds like he will get his comeuppance sooner or later.But i know it doesnt help you at the moment.
      I also want to say that i beleive what you are saying is the truth.Sometimes during the examination (and well done again for going through with it) things dont show up as easily as you would expect.Even if a assault/rape had of taken place its sometimes unfortunate that our bodies heal quickly form truama, you may of been very sore but it might not of shown up as good as the police would of liked it to in order for a successful conviction.Now i know that you know what happened was wrong, but to convince a room full of people in court consisting of 12 unknown faces and one familair leering face in the dock is something else.And these days prosecution require 100% solid evidence to convict or even get through to court in the first place.
      It is just so unfortunate that it hasnt worked out for you, im so sorry about that, but i beleive that this man (i cant type what i want to hear cos im sure the thread will be removed) will get caught for something else soon.

      As for you, are you having regaulr counselling? or talking to someone about whats happened?
      I know it doesnt take away what happened but it can help.
      Also have you been to see your GP about what happened to make sure that your health is ok?
      As for where youlive if its a council owned property could you not ask them for a transfer to somewhere else?
      I know its not the point but just for your own wellbeing.

      Its sounds like you have a good reason to put in for a transfer and even though you didnt end up getting justice in court perhaps your police record of the event will help show the council you are telling the truth and you should be priority to move to another area?
      I k now as well that you shouldnt have to move, but im thinking about the long term effects here.

      Let us know how it goes.
      Blessings for now
      "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."


      • #4
        As of yet i'm still awawiting the forensic results, which i know takes weeks and which is ridiculous! So hopefully that will nail him, because i'm still 100% adament that he drugged me. But in saying that the police think it could still be tricky because he could say "i did'nt drug her" But on the other hand these were the police words- if a drug is found by the forensics it could still swing my way!! HELLO!! i know i was raped...i know i was druged..and he knows it!!
        So at the moment i'm a sitting duck expected just to get on with life as normal..whilst he walks about like a pig in sh!t..!!!!
        It was my mum that reported it to the police, infact when the police came i can't remember much that happened as still i felt out of it!!
        But i'll tell you what i can truely understand why women/girls never report rape and just get on with their lives as much as they can, because the whole enquiry-system-procedure is herendous!!
        The whole procedure has been explained in full and i'm fully aware of everything.
        I have been to see my GP several times for my health to be checked he's put me on Beta-Blockers to control these panicky feelings i've been having and they have helped a great deal!
        I've been to be checked at my local sexual health clinic too and just waiting on the results of the test.
        And i'm also getting a great deal of help from Victim support!
        At the moment i feel like i'm living on day-to-day basis and each one is so different. i've just returned from a friends caravan for the really helped me and i do feel tones better.
        Thanks you guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


        • #5
          hi chez, i know it may feel awful right now but you have done eevrything in your power, and have built up a good support system to help you.
          There isnt anything you can do aprt from seek out further counselling and help with things like your panic attacks etc, the stronger you are for the next few months the better you will be able to cope.

          Hang on in there and unfortuantly its a waiting game from here on, but dont forget we are all here to help and support you when we can, you arent alone and anytime you need any help ask the relevant person ie victim support or the police etc.

          Lets all keep our fingers crossed this guy is taken off the streets soon.

          Blessings for now
          "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."

