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  • nightmares

    how do you cope with nightmares? is it possible to get rid of them or do you just have to wait for them to go?

    even when i feel like i am coping well and moving on they are still there most nights. sometimes i wake up multiple times in the night. they arent always the same. some are what happened but others are new scenarios either of him or of rape. sometimes its obvious what its "about" (feeling like i wasnt believed because he got off, feelings of guilt because my experience wasnt as bad as other peoples experiences etc) but other times i do not know why my mind is putting me through this.

    anyone have any advice on coping with nightmares/getting rid of them?
    "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)

  • #2
    That sounds awful Friday. I used to have them a lot when I was a child, but they stopped until my parents died. They came back again for a while and I've not had one for a few years. But then again my sleeping pattern is dreadful anyway.

    Not a lot of use am I? I don't think there's a medication you can take, but there may be herbal remedies you could try.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Sorry to hear about your nightmares Friday. Nightmares are usually the result of something that has happened to us in our past, and as we are asleep there is very little we can do to stop them happening. You can take a few simple steps to minimising the chances of having a nightmare though. My doc told me the following:

      Try to make sure you are calm and relaxed when you go to bed. If you meditate, do it before bed. If your brain is very active before you drop off you are more likely to stimulate dreams and nightmares.

      Avoid alcohol and certain foods - nothing spicy or sugary, which raises your blood sugar levels. As you fall asleep your blood sugar levels drop, causing hypoglaecimia (spelling anyone?) which can induce nightmares.

      Try keeping a dream diary. Seeing your dreams written down can help you rationalise the fears/anxiety which cause nightmares. (I didn;t try this, so I don't know if it works)

      I don't know about you, but when I am having a nightmare there is usually a point where I become aware that it is just a dream. At this point it is possible to mentally take a deep breath and say to myself "It's just a dream" which significantly reduces the terror. I can also force myself awake at this point.

      They will eventually go away, but they are horrible and disturbing. You could also try taking St John's Wort which is a herbal stress-reliever.

      Please don't feel guilty. As RF said, pain is pain, just because others "have it worse" does not mean you are not suffering too.


      • #4
        thank you both

        i might try writing them down when i wake up and see if that stops me having them multiple times a night.

        i don't usually know its a dream but recently i have been having weird out of body experiences and sleep paralysis. its really odd. the sleep paralysis only adds to my nightmare cos obviously i feel like i am being held down/am unable to move. might do a search and see if there is anything to stop sleep paralysis. when i realise i am dreaming i panic cos i can't move and that in turn triggers memories. i thought the mind was meant to help you?! my ex said something very interesting though, he said it could be possible the out of body experiences are my way of attempting to escape the sleep paralysis. considering dissociation is fairly common in situations where people are in extreme danger perhaps this is true. i dont know. there is so much we dont know about the mind.
        "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


        • #5
          Hi Friday,

          nightmares are horrible and remembering them is even worse. Saffrons suggestions were good, try a milky drink before bed like a hot chocolate or ovaltine. Maybe put some lavender on your pillow. If there is something that you see or have read that makes you laugh try looking or reading it before bed. A silly poem or s stupidly funny embarrasing picture that brings good memories.

          I have terrible dreams a lot of the time. I barely remember them but I wake up sweating and the bed sheets everywhere. I remember seeing peoples faces in my dreams but thats it. I am not sure what sleep paralysis is but I get something where I am practically awake and coming out of a dream but I cant move and its very disturbing, its really scary. I get annoyed with myself when I dream because I love to sleep and these nightmares keep me up.

          I dont know how to stop them but I do find that they are worse when I am due on my period sorry tmi but its true.

          Hope tonight brings you restfull sleep x
          Life is full of options is just choosing the right one thats hard....


          • #6
            That is very true Isi. Your monthly cycle does have an effect on your dreams. Maybe taking Evening Primrose oil capsules could help if that is the case for you?
            Good call on the lavender as well - it is a stress-reliever and really does help.


            • #7
              i don't exactly have a monthly cycle so doubt that would be the cause (years of not eating and maintainig unhealthy weights)

              i'm currently eating nachos with jalapenos and hot pepper much for the no spicy food!

              isi-that sounds like sleep paralysis. i was reading about it the other day and it says it can be brought on by stress and people who are anxious people are more prone to it, as are people with ptsd (was on the bbc website)
              i will try keeping something that makes me laugh next to my bed, maybe my new nemi book (the comic from the metro). she is me and she makes me laugh, which i guess means i'm laughing at myself and thats a bit sad...
              "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


              • #8
                lol, its always good to be able to laugh at yourself as long as it keeps you preoccupied!

                I just googled seep paralysis and yea it sounds like what i get. There is a name for absolutely everything it kinda made me laugh. There is treatment if it is too disturbing but is generally harmless so no need to worry too much.

                One of the side effects from the meds I am taking is nightmares so it makes sense I am having more lately.

                Friday do vegans have dairy products, only asking because I suggested having a milky drink but then had it in my head that vegans do not have dairy in their diet?

                I have a friend who has an eating disorder and it is awful for her and everyone around. She has been hospitalised many times. She has been ok for four years now and feels much better about herself. I know how hard it is, do you have any help friday? Not having periods can have damaging effects on the body, I am sure you know all this though. All I am saying is take care of yourself and dont make yourself suffer.

                Isi x
                Life is full of options is just choosing the right one thats hard....


                • #9
                  thanks for your concern isi, i do have occasional periods but due to the years of anorexia they are still extremely erratic (not helped by my current choice of contraceptive). i saw an eating disorder team from 16 to my 18th birthday and i did manage to regain the weight. damage was obviously done (i had osteoporosis) but is slowly being repaired (no longer have osteoporosis). when things are particularly stressful i tend to obsess about food more (e.g. after the verdict) but i generally maintain a weight that goes between borderline anorexic and low healthy. because of my history my cmht are pretty on the ball about checking my weight loss doesnt get out of hand and even offered for me to see a dietician when i wanted to lose weight, even though i only wanted to lose about 1/2 a stone i'd gained from being "comfortable" in a relationship, because they were concerned it could trigger a relapse.

                  ok, that was a bit of an essay!

                  vegans don't eat meat, dairy, eggs, honey (any animal products) so milky drinks aren't any good for me but rice or oat milk is lovely and i'm sure i read that it is not the milk that helps you sleep but the fact it is hot (not sure if i made that up, but being on a hot bus/tube does make me sleepy....)
                  "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


                  • #10
                    can I join the insomniacs?

                    I've hit the hallucination stage now, I had about 6 hours sleep in the last week and I wouldn't mind but I look better for having none than when I've has 8/9 a night!

                    Sometimes I think my head must have been put on in a way that nature didn't intend. Cos everything I do is slightly skuewhiff!
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #11
                      hmmm. Vegan soporifics....Lettuce? That can make you sleepy. Seriously!

                      What a bunch of crazies we are! I have been awake since 3 today. Got woken up by theSmallest Child who needed the loo, and then I lay awake worrying about stuff until I gave up trying to get to sleep at about 4am, went downstairs and drank coffee until it was time to wake the children up.


                      • #12
                        i hate sleep deprivation hallucinations. my ex played warhammer so he had loads of toy soldiers in cabinets and when i was sleep deprived they would march towards me! on flat surfaces i see "films" like last week it was people sitting at tables drinking and people doing mad dances and once i saw all the simpsons characters lying on their backs and wriggling like dying bugs, odd.

                        there was something on the one show tonight about sleep paralysis and it had one of the lecturers from my uni on the show talking about it.
                        "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


                        • #13
                          hello my friendly insomniacs...

                          they sound like great things to see friday...haha.. I see everything like bubblegum, squishy and bubbly. Or things look like they have a pulse or move like a boat rocking on the waves... hmmm... or maybe thats just me! all in all things just seem surreal when I am sleep deprived.
                          The thing I hate the most is the dry feeling in my mouth with lack of sleep and dry eyes.
                          Life is full of options is just choosing the right one thats hard....

