Distant Healing is a method of transmitting Healing Energy over a distance. It does not matter how far away the individual is, the energy will still reach them in the same intensity as if they were right next to the healer.
It is the same energy that is transmitted in Contact Healing except that the client is not in the presence of the Healer.
Distant or Absent Healing is given in answer to requests. The Healer spends time channeling the energy to the patient. Both Healer and Patient are in their own respective homes and do not have physical contact with each other unless required. This works well for individuals who cannot get out or are too faraway
The person needing healing may or may not be aware that this healing has been undertaken for them but they may receive great benefit. It works in a similar way to Contact Healing when a person is actually with a healer. Distant healing helps with all types of illnesses from the simple to medically diagnosed acute and chronic conditions.I myself have been for healing with a healer present and have found it to be remarkably effective for PTSD, and Depression.This is why i have trained in Reiki, Spiritual healing, and plan to help other survivors out there in a physical way as well as counselling, as both healing and counselling combined can really help in different ways.
This is just another way of me helping people in as many ways as possible.

Just email me on snoopyseed@hotmail.com for me to send you a distant healing.(its free)
Please note im not healing on a one to one basis at the moment, im only doing distant healing.