I wanted to ask about something that happened to me just over two years ago. I've never known what to call it, I can't define it and I don't know how to help myself get over it. I've never spoken to anyone about it save a few online friends.
Two years ago I was in a relationship with a guy who, one morning more or less forced himself on me. I was naive, I was a virgin, I didn't think that someone I trusted would do that to me. All that happened was penetration, it hurt me and I pushed him off and he apologised afterward.
The relationship didn't last, I haven't dated since and I'm still very hurt by what happened. I have never know what to call it. I didn't give my consent but I don't know that I could call it rape, perhaps assault? I don't know.
I'm trying to recover from this, and I'd like to be able to put a name to it and be able to start to deal with it. Can anyone help? How would you view this?
I don't know who I should confide in, I've never told any family or friends.
Please help
Two years ago I was in a relationship with a guy who, one morning more or less forced himself on me. I was naive, I was a virgin, I didn't think that someone I trusted would do that to me. All that happened was penetration, it hurt me and I pushed him off and he apologised afterward.
The relationship didn't last, I haven't dated since and I'm still very hurt by what happened. I have never know what to call it. I didn't give my consent but I don't know that I could call it rape, perhaps assault? I don't know.

I'm trying to recover from this, and I'd like to be able to put a name to it and be able to start to deal with it. Can anyone help? How would you view this?

Please help
