This section is a place to express your emotions, thoughts and/or feelings through poetry and prose etc.
Posts in here can be very emotional. They may offend some, and may sometimes appear to be sexist or racist etc. If the poster was raped by a male Muslim, they are likely to write prose about a male Muslim. Posts will not necessarily be considered racist or sexist unless they blatantly are.
So, rules about posting new poetry or prose;
- Posts can include a *small* level of profanity.
- Posts can include references to specific racial, age or sex groups. Unless the posts is blatantly racist, these references will not normally be edited out. Ultimately, it shall be the decision of the admin and moderating team as to whether the post is edited or deleted. Their decision is final.
- Try to avoid generalisations. "I was raped by a Catholic" is fine. "All Catholics are rapists" is not.
Rules about posting replies:
- Whilst replies are allowed, please bear in mind that posts in this section are highly emotive and it would be easy to cause offence and or upset.
- If you feel that a post needs editing or deleting, please report it. Do not post unhelpful criticism or statements that you think it is racist etc in reply. Replies like this will result in warnings and possible bans.