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Advice Please

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  • Advice Please

    Good evening

    I have been reading the many threads and my hearts go out to you.

    10 months ago my son was arrested for rape in front of his partner and taken away for questioning. None of us were allowed to see him until he appeared in court on the Monday morning. He was then refused bail and taken away. The solicitor gave the facts and it was immediately evident that this was a false accusation. When we finally met with our son in Lancaster farms, it was even more evident.

    To cut a long story short my son has lost his home and job through this as well as all the family being subjected to threats and abuse

    His court case finished today. Fortunatelyin this case the justice system did work and the jury gave a unanimous vedict of not guilty. They saw through the lies that had been concocted by the girl, her 2 friends AND her mother (I how can people do this to other human beings?) Our opinion is that the compensation for the victim has played its part

    However, I now need advice - will this stay on his record or will it be wiped completely?
    How does he get his belongings and passport back - the police took most of his clothes away
    Is there any way we could sue the girl (she is 18) for the pain and trauma he and the whole family have suffered, including the loss of his job and home?

    Also, is he entitled to compensation for all the time he was on remand?

    Any advice will be appreciated - for those of you awaiting trial - DONT GIVE UP

  • #2
    Congratulations !!

    Now you hit a brick wall cos most Solicitors wont touch your corrective fight for some justice against them !! Them is a big word, cos this should include the Police and CPS but that rarely happens as the IPCC are almost a complete waste of time.

    My case was exactly the same but our Defence never once suggested the mother was involved nor that it was a setup even thought it was obvious from the start. So, good on you for finding a good Solicitors - you should post their details name and practice) and the Barrister so others know in the future to consider them !!

    No it wont be wiped off nor his prints and DNA he will be marked for life as things stand. Atleast he wasnt convicted, so there is a plus even if not a total victory !!

    Good luck

