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Boyfriend falsely accused for rape 10yrs ago

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  • Boyfriend falsely accused for rape 10yrs ago


    My boyfriend and I live in seperate countries for the time being, i am due to emigrate to his country in the next month. Im in the UK he is in Australia so the law maybe different there. Upon returning back to Australia (after being here with me for 2 years) he was asked to go to the local police station (small town) where they have accused him of rape/sexual assualt that happened 10 years ago when he was 17 and she was 14 (nearly 15). She had made the complaint the same month & year that he left to be with me here (so two years ago now).

    He has admitted he did have sex with her but he did not know her age, he has explained to me how she intitiated everything (I wont go into details, but even in the bedroom she was in control, it was quick fumbley and rubbish), he has said she was very mature for her age, tall and grown up so could easily pass for being older than her age.

    It happened at a friends house party & afterwards she cuddled up next to him on the sofa (infront of people) & even asked him out. The people who were there have been questioned but none have said that they remember anything about the night at all. There is no DNA evidence or anything else so I presume it will be his words against hers? Apparently during the time she made the complaint she was going through a divorce after marrying a very rich guy that she thought she was getting money from but didnt end up getting anything...

    To me that says it all. But I just cant believe how one human being can do this to another. Its driving me crazy with worry about what might happen to my boyfriend. He went through a stage of being 'uttlerley depressed' about it but is now a little more less depressed and thinks that 'justice will prevail' ... I think in Australian courts they are 'innocent until priven guilty' so I hope she gets found out and ends up paying him money back or gets done for wasting police time. We dont have alot of money and this will cost his savings that he has for OUR future together - we've waited 4 years to be together I just cant believe this is happening.

    Forgot to say that he went to a local court this week where his lawyer has postponed the court date for one month (where he says his plea on grounds of not knowing her age).

    Just looking for reassurance and if anyone knows of a similar case or has any advice id love to hear from you,

    Last edited by terribleworldwelivein; 9 April 2009, 01:16 PM.

  • #2
    Having pictures of her at that age and time would have probably been usefull, not that they used the ones I supplied here in the UK - taken off facebook not done myself and they were aged 16 dressed like well hookers - adults as the pictures were done in a PUB.

    Is not knowing her age an excuse?, yes if one can prove the excuse was reasonable and genuine, Ive read similar cases in the UK when the ury have accepted it.

    What was she doing at the party were there many her age and was she known to flirt? As for the actions Im sure he wasnt her first !! but besides that what made her turn against him, bad history or breakup? Did their relationship continue afterwards for sometime or litterally a one night stand?


    • #3
      You are not alone

      I just found myself going thru pretty much the same thing, except it's my husband, and our savings that will go into keeping him out of jail.

      There are some sickos in this world.--Just know someone feels your pain.


      • #4
        My dad is going through The almost same!

        I know from experience how vindictive a female can be, even a family member. My dad is standing up against accusations of molestation and rape by my own sister, his daughter. How could somebody be so cruel and munipulative? I would like to know the same thing. But I have yet to speak to her since this all arose.
        I have no doubt whatsoever about my dads innocense. We, my family know he is not capable of such things. But knowing and proving are two different things. In todays society, all it takes is an accusation. You must have done it, otherwise why would a girl/woman say such a thing? So then the man is left to prove his innocense, save his life and keep his sanity in the meanwhile. No matter how innocent you may be, there are always those out there that will jump on the train and believe the accusations the girl is throwing left and right.
        And what victim goes around telling her story to anyone that will stop and listen. In a true rape/molestation, most females do not want to talk about it,
        unless they have to. It is demeaning and shameful to relive. But the female in our case has spread it to the world and back. Has even ran into old friends in the mall and proceeded to tell her little epic. This female (aka: my sister) is a very sick individual, that hopefully will be broken down before this is all over with. She deserves to suffer, the way she has made my dad suffer with her lies. He's lost a number of so called friends, but his family is behind him 100%.
        One way or another, the system has to be changed. These vindictive girls/women have to be stopped and held accountable.
        For anyone's information: If you are accused of a sex crime and arrested,
        it will be listed if anyone (such as business) runs a background check on you.
        Does not matter whether it has been to court yet or not, does not matter if
        you have not been found guilty yet, it is still listed on your background. If
        you are found NOT GUILTY, you will have to fight tooth and nail to have the
        arrest record removed. They do not remove it willingly. My feelings are, until you are proven GUILTY, you name should not appear anywhere besides court records, lawyers, bondsmen, etc. Our local newspaper prints indictment every week, with your name and the crime your accused of. An indictment is not a guilty verdict by no means. So the newspaper shouldn't even have access to this information. Like I said, someone needs to start changing these laws to protect all the people.

