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when do we need a solicitor

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  • #16
    well, he wasnt going to mention it until the 30th, and then say only if he was charged..


    • #17
      I am more angry than scared, how can this girls claim be so life changing for my son...she could claim anything and get him arrested its just not fair.


      • #18
        Welcome to the world of False Allegations......
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #19
          My son attempted suicide when he was 14 after a bullying incident. He really dosn't need this added to his worries.


          • #20
            sorry...I think I need to escape thinking about it for an hour or 2, I am feeling quite ill

            Thanks once again for being so supportive, I feel I may be chatting to you alot in these coming weeks...I would love to tell you my name but feel concerned about others reading the forums

            good night


            • #21
              You've forgotten to mention that chances are it will be flagged on the database, so that every time he applies for a job that needs a CRB check it will be shown - innocent or guilty it'll be against him.
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • #22
                My poor son, how will this affect the day each week he is at college...will he be chucked out of there too?


                • #23
                  Right, im genuinely of to bed now, to try and sleep..


                  • #24
                    We all tend to look on the bleak side when we see new posts, but a few do turn out to be NFA'd when commonsense kicks in. It's more of a case of expecting the worst, getting prepared - and attack being the best form of defence.

                    I shall keep my fingers crossed that this is cleared up for you both, sooner rather than later.

                    Keep posting, it does help - even if some of the answers are bleak!!
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #25
                      Hi Worried Mum

                      It depends what sort of security clearance he needs. If he needs an enhanced CRB check, then it will show up. If he needs a standard CRB check, then it might not. Enhanced checks are only usually done when the applicant will be working with children, or if it is a matter of national security - working for the MOD, etc.
                      I know what a lifeline sites like this can be. keep posting - better out than in!

                      Saffron x


                      • #26
                        Worried mum - the advice you have been given on this forum is similar to that on another forum you have posted up on.

                        The answers will not change! The police are under pressure to increase conviction targets for (sexual) offences and will hide evidence in order to achieve that aim.

                        Instead of winding yourself up into a big knot - wait until he is charged (if that occurs). In the meantime search for a solicitor who is experienced in these matters in the area where your lad lives (or where the alleged offence took place if that is different).
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #27
                          thanks for all your advice. I have had some more bad news today, I was made redundant after working for the same firm for 15 years. I cant beleive the bad luck we are having at the moment, so Ive cancelled the family holiday and am trying to calculate how long the family will survive on my small payout of £7000


                          • #28
                            Dear worried mum

                            I posted on this forum back in November when I was falsely accused of rape by a girl I met and had sex with through an advert i placed on an adult dating web site.
                            3 weeks ago I was told that there would be no further action against me but the way the case was reported was still being investigated.
                            The advice given by Rights Fighter and the other knowlagable members on this site is sound and should be taken very seriously BUT please dont lose faith.
                            Whilst the police are only there to investigate the case and ARE only looking to get a conviction they know the score and in my opinion if your son dont have anything to hide and tells the truth then the truth will out and there will be no case to answer.
                            Unfortunatly the accusation will never go away and will always be on record, and for this reason I feel that those who make these false accusations should serve a prison sentence.
                            I now have to live with this accusation and I can tell you there is never a day goes by where I dont think about it, and I know I am innocent and never had a case to answer.
                            Before this happened to me I thought any man accused of rape (or sexual assult) was a monster and would not have given him the time of day, now I would always give them the benefit of the doubt be that right or wrong.
                            I feel very sorry for genuine victims of rape but it's a fact that it's too easy for girls to make false accusations, ruin peoples lives and get away with it.
                            I wish you and your son all the best and I am sure it will work out OK but the memory of this will never go away for either of you.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I posted on this forum back in November when I was falsely accused of rape by a girl I met and had sex with through an advert i placed on an adult dating web site.
                              3 weeks ago I was told that there would be no further action against me but the way the case was reported was still being investigated.
                              The advice given by Rights Fighter and the other knowlagable members on this site is sound and should be taken very seriously BUT please dont lose faith.
                              Whilst the police are only there to investigate the case and ARE only looking to get a conviction they know the score and in my opinion if your son dont have anything to hide and tells the truth then the truth will out and there will be no case to answer.
                              Unfortunatly the accusation will never go away and will always be on record, and for this reason I feel that those who make these false accusations should serve a prison sentence.
                              I now have to live with this accusation and I can tell you there is never a day goes by where I dont think about it, and I know I am innocent and never had a case to answer.
                              Before this happened to me I thought any man accused of rape (or sexual assult) was a monster and would not have given him the time of day, now I would always give them the benefit of the doubt be that right or wrong.
                              I feel very sorry for genuine victims of rape but it's a fact that it's too easy for girls to make false accusations, ruin peoples lives and get away with it.
                              I wish you and your son all the best and I am sure it will work out OK but the memory of this will never go away for either of you.

                              Sorry this took a while to get approved - it disappeared from the mod queue and I have no idea why - I have just run some checks and found about 8 posts all waiting to be approved that weren't showing up in the queue. Odd. Please accept my apologies!
                              I'd diet but I'm not in the moooo-d


                              • #30
                                Sons bail has been cancelled due to conflicting evidence. He no longer needs to attend the station to see if he is to be charged.

                                Relief all round. I thought it important to update everyone on the outcome and give faith to others also in the situation of being falsely accused

                                thanks for all your support and good luck with your own battle with justice

