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Falsely accused by sisters - trial pending

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  • Falsely accused by sisters - trial pending

    I have a trial in 3 weeks, I have 14 charges in total, 1 sexual abuse on my 26 yr old sister and 3 rape and 10 sexual assault on 18 yr old sister.

    They claim this all hapened between 1994 and 2003 at my parents house:-

    Here are my main points:-

    I left home at 2001
    My younger sister told police I was texting her with graphic details about the rape, my phone and hers have been checked and no text messages exist - she has been proved lying and still the CPS continue.

    My older sister has been in a mental institution, the cps prosecutor told my barrister that my sister is a complete fruitcake, they have got her medical records.

    All my family have said that my grandad saw me rape my sister in 1998 and refused to talk to me, I have cards from my grandad and videos of family parties showing me and my grandad together after 1998, he was even the first person to see my son born in hospital- again proving they are lying. Since this all began my grandad has been very ill with a stroke and died dec 08, he has never been in a mental state to give a statement, they all know this and are using him against me.

    Me and my family have not got on for over 10 yrs since I met my fiancee, they all hate her, they have always tried to seperate us, we have been assaulted, threatened and now this.

    My defence is my fiancee, auntie, uncle and cousin, they have all been threatened over the years by my family, they all have proof that my sisters lie and make up sexual claims against people.

    What can I do, I have proved that all the evidence is a lie but still the CPS continue, both sisters have waived theright to special measures in court and will both stand to give evidence.