My story,
I am an expat New Zealander living in Brazil, I am posting here because this seems to be a good place to get advice and I am basically at the end of my tether
I was married to a Brazilian woman for about 6 years and we have two children, a boy and a girl aged 7 and 4 respectively. We divorced in 2007 and she retained custody of our children and I obtained visitation rights, on average I would have the kids stay with me every second weekend, usually friday and/or saturday night.
During the past few months I had noticed my daughter having a strange greenish discharge in her panties and she had also started to wet herself periodically. I bought this up with my wife, I was worried because I have heard that these type of things can be a sign of sexual abuse.
During this time my daughter also started to grow distant from me, she stopped allowing me to take her in my arms, struggling and such - she also started to carry on when it was time to pick her up and take her to my house. I thought that this was a stage she might be going thru as I could not see any reason for this behavior due to the fact that I have always shown her all the love I could give. From researching on the net I had heard that sometimes girls can have this type of phase where they have negative feelings towards there father so I thought it was something that would end up passing.
On Friday of last week I called my ex-wife to make arrangements to collect my children for the weekend and this is when the bomb dropped, she said that it would not be possible for me to have the children and on me asking why she told me that my daughter was being sexually abused and she said it was me that had done it. Thus begins the darkest time of my life that I have known.
On further correspondence with my wife I found out the the allegations are awful, that I had raped my little girl when she was staying here. She said that they had been to two different psychologists and they had stated that it was likely true, that my daughter was adamant that it was me that had done it. My ex-wife has told all her family and they all think that I have done this.
I will state now that I have NOT done these things to my daughter, I would never hurt her, I would kill myself before I would hurt my little girl. The only reason why I still live in Brazil is for my kids they are everything to me and to hear this has left me in a state of shock. I can't understand why my daughter has said these things - the alleged statement that she made describes horrible things so I am sure something has happened because she would not have the experience to describe these things, she could not make it up.
To be honest I don't really know what to do. My Ex wife said that the authorities will be in contact with me on monday and we will start to undergo some kind of process. Everything points to me as guilty of this and I am very scared as to what can happen, all I want to do is clear my name and I have stated that I will undergo any testing that is requried, from researching the net I am guessing this will involve some kind of psychosexual testing and maybe polygraph I am not really sure, but I have no qualms about doing this as I am completely normal in regards to sexual orientation, I am heterosexual and have no sexual desire for children, especially not my own 4 year old daughter, that is just sick!
The last 2 days have been hell for me, everyone I know is treating me like a hot potato and I don't really have anywhere to turn. I feel empty and at times I start kicking out at items in my house, sometimes I just cry and other times I am calm. I have another day to get thru until tommorrow and it is going to be another day of hell, I feel like i have stepped into the twilight zone or something.
I have really searched myself in the last two days, I have bought back the memories of my kids being here and there is nothing that could have made her say this, we just did normal things that a parent does with their kids.
Maybe i am insane? maybe I did do this? These were some of my thoughts over the past few days, I can't explain how everything can point to me yet I know that I have not done it. Is it possible i have some kind of split personality? If so why did my son or daughter (they were always here together) not say anything? I have always told them never to be scared to tell me anything and they have never shown any reluctance to tell me anything before, even if they would be in trouble for it.
This is my darkest hour and any advice that anyone can give will be deeply appreciated.
I am an expat New Zealander living in Brazil, I am posting here because this seems to be a good place to get advice and I am basically at the end of my tether

I was married to a Brazilian woman for about 6 years and we have two children, a boy and a girl aged 7 and 4 respectively. We divorced in 2007 and she retained custody of our children and I obtained visitation rights, on average I would have the kids stay with me every second weekend, usually friday and/or saturday night.
During the past few months I had noticed my daughter having a strange greenish discharge in her panties and she had also started to wet herself periodically. I bought this up with my wife, I was worried because I have heard that these type of things can be a sign of sexual abuse.
During this time my daughter also started to grow distant from me, she stopped allowing me to take her in my arms, struggling and such - she also started to carry on when it was time to pick her up and take her to my house. I thought that this was a stage she might be going thru as I could not see any reason for this behavior due to the fact that I have always shown her all the love I could give. From researching on the net I had heard that sometimes girls can have this type of phase where they have negative feelings towards there father so I thought it was something that would end up passing.
On Friday of last week I called my ex-wife to make arrangements to collect my children for the weekend and this is when the bomb dropped, she said that it would not be possible for me to have the children and on me asking why she told me that my daughter was being sexually abused and she said it was me that had done it. Thus begins the darkest time of my life that I have known.
On further correspondence with my wife I found out the the allegations are awful, that I had raped my little girl when she was staying here. She said that they had been to two different psychologists and they had stated that it was likely true, that my daughter was adamant that it was me that had done it. My ex-wife has told all her family and they all think that I have done this.
I will state now that I have NOT done these things to my daughter, I would never hurt her, I would kill myself before I would hurt my little girl. The only reason why I still live in Brazil is for my kids they are everything to me and to hear this has left me in a state of shock. I can't understand why my daughter has said these things - the alleged statement that she made describes horrible things so I am sure something has happened because she would not have the experience to describe these things, she could not make it up.
To be honest I don't really know what to do. My Ex wife said that the authorities will be in contact with me on monday and we will start to undergo some kind of process. Everything points to me as guilty of this and I am very scared as to what can happen, all I want to do is clear my name and I have stated that I will undergo any testing that is requried, from researching the net I am guessing this will involve some kind of psychosexual testing and maybe polygraph I am not really sure, but I have no qualms about doing this as I am completely normal in regards to sexual orientation, I am heterosexual and have no sexual desire for children, especially not my own 4 year old daughter, that is just sick!
The last 2 days have been hell for me, everyone I know is treating me like a hot potato and I don't really have anywhere to turn. I feel empty and at times I start kicking out at items in my house, sometimes I just cry and other times I am calm. I have another day to get thru until tommorrow and it is going to be another day of hell, I feel like i have stepped into the twilight zone or something.
I have really searched myself in the last two days, I have bought back the memories of my kids being here and there is nothing that could have made her say this, we just did normal things that a parent does with their kids.
Maybe i am insane? maybe I did do this? These were some of my thoughts over the past few days, I can't explain how everything can point to me yet I know that I have not done it. Is it possible i have some kind of split personality? If so why did my son or daughter (they were always here together) not say anything? I have always told them never to be scared to tell me anything and they have never shown any reluctance to tell me anything before, even if they would be in trouble for it.
This is my darkest hour and any advice that anyone can give will be deeply appreciated.