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Need Desperate Help, Please

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  • Need Desperate Help, Please

    Hi, I am new to all this but I found this site whilst searching the net for help, support and advise for people who have been falsely accused of rape...

    It all started in December 07, I was round at a "so called friends house" we were sitting watching TV and talking as we had not seen each other for a while. After a couple of hours I left. The next again night the police came to my house and detained me. I was taken to the police station and questioned for 6 hours, during this time I received a full forensic examination. I was then released without charge and told it would take upto 6 weeks to get the forensic results back. 6 weeks passed... nothing. Eventually months passed so in the summer of 08 I phoned the police to find out what was happening? They told me that the results were still not back, and would get in touch when they were... still never heard anything so phoned back a few months later, I was then told that they were sending evidence to the PF but I had nothing to worry about and that there was no need to see a solicitor.

    Roll on to October 08 I was charged and put on petition (so i wasn't pleading guilty/not guilty), I was taken to the police station on Friday and held there until the Monday morning, when I was then taken to court. Whilst at court I found out that she had changed her story from "I raped her" to "I tried to rape her". This was due to the fact that there was no forensic evidence as I had not slept with her. The only evidence that I know of is the fact that she had "bruises" (no idea where) and that she was distressed when she made the phone call... I was relseased on bail and one of my bail conditions was that I was to attend a VIPER parade, and that I would be informed within 3 weeks of a date for this... It is now four months later, and I have only just been given a date for this...

    Has anyone went through something similar? Why is it taking so long, as this has now been going on for 1 year and 2 months, I know cases like this can last a while but it seems like a life time and I am still no closer to finding out what is happening, I am completely in the dark...

    Also can anyone tell me how it is possible for someone to say they were raped, and once they find out there is no forensic evidence change this to attempted rape??

    please please help me I am so confused, and my whole life has had to be put on hold until this is over with...

  • #2
    Tyler I have sent you a PM.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~

