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Advice required

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  • Advice required

    This is a really quite long and complicated story. In brief thought, I have recently started living with a girl i knew from 15 years ago. Her friend who now lives a good few miles away, has informed her, that one night at my now girlfriends birthday party 15 years ago, that I had alledgedly forced myself on her. I have vague memories of the party, simply because it was so long ago, not to do with being drunk. It is a false claim, and my girlfriend and I have talked about it. She is very supportive of me and knows I didnt do it. She also explained to me that this is not the first time she has told her similar storys about at least 3 other people. However, my girlfriend and her family are currently dealing with a death in the family, and said accuser is constantly sending her txt of an uncalled for nature. (nothing to do with this issue)

    My Girls sister has had enough and txt her to tell her to leave my girlfriend alone. This led to the accuser thinking it was myself sending the txt, and replied with something along the lines of, "im guessing thats the rapist"

    Both myself and my girl do not know how to deal with this. My girlfriend wants nothing to do with her, and all of her family are supporting us both, even though they are themselves going through a very hard time.

    I am looking for an outside view on what options I have or even if we should act at all.

    Thanks to anyone who who replies.

  • #2
    if i was you mate i would get an injuction against her she sounds a real nast piece of work just the same with me im gettin accused of the same thing and she knows as well as i do i never did it they are doin it for attention if you can get intouch with ya fones operator and get her number blocked from sending txts and ringing but get an injuncition against her i would
    Last edited by webmoo; 11 March 2009, 09:58 PM.

