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Keep your chin up!

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  • Keep your chin up!

    Dear .....all

    Just poped by to wish all those still fighting for justice from false allegation, my very best wishes & happy new year for 2009, if possible.

    My complete admiration for those like Saffron, Webmoo, Rights Fighter & RF little helper for this continuing essential resource for those abused & violated by false allegation. Bless them & thank them for what can be a thankless task, but with hopefully some victories along the way!

    The impact upon me personally of not only false allegation, but also that of police corruption & police homophobia, continues to have a devestaing affect upon my life. I was not charged, but the abuse I suffered both from false accuser & the subsequent impact and fall out from the police abuses continues to be real several years on.

    I genuinely continue to feel for those abused in this way by false allegation as there is NO support through any government system in the UK for those traumatised & abused in this way.

    On a positive note my campaigning has resulted in more than 1 MILLION views of my videos on youtube raising awareness regarding the continuing problem of police homophobia in the UK.

    Alas; however to my knowledge we have had four gay male suicides where I live in 2008

    Having been driven to the very brink of suicide myself by the abusive conduct of the police involved in false allegation I empathise with those going through the initial stages of false allegation.

    I wish I could participate here more, but I find it extremely distressing & traumatic still.

    So once again my best wishes to all & heartfelt thanks to the stalwart efforts of those here.

    Hugz x

    PS. Forgot to mention I recieved a letter of thanks from Dame Nuala O'Loan DBE, Chair of the UK Government Human Rights & Equality Commission for my written & verbal evidence I gave last year to the 2008 UK Human Rights Enquiry. I gave hours of verbal testimony to the Criminal Research. dept. of Kings College & submitted written & other evidence.

    There are SOME of us still fighting for justice for those abused & violated by false allegation & police abuse

    Kisses xx
    Last edited by utterlydestroyed; 14 January 2009, 03:21 PM. Reason: forgot something

  • #2
    Hi UD - glad to see you out and about and still fighting the cause!

    Make sure you keep your chin up too, keep on keeping on.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi UD
      I was thinking about you just the other day, hope you are OK and keeping steady.
      On an aside, would you have any advice for a friend of mine? I will PM you with the details. If you can't help, don't worry - you have a lot on your plate at the moment.
      Saffron x


      • #4
        Dear Saff

        I hope my PM reply was of some assitance


