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Accused of Rape

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  • Accused of Rape

    I was in a short relationship with what i thought a great girl who was all i wanted in a relationship. I used to work in the USA and took a trip back to see friends and invited this person along on a holiday of a lifetime taking in New York Washington Chicago and San Francisco.

    This person was unwell on the trip and on our second morning of our third stop (Chicago) this person who has to daughters and i thought was missing them asked me to get her a flight home as she was homesick.

    This was at the beginning of November and i never saw her again we had text communication when i got home then just over a week ago she sent me a text asking me why when we were in Chicago and chilling on the bed did i have sex with her when she said no. (In my eyes that is rape)

    I have since found out that this person my have been abused as a child and in an abuseve marraige and she is back with her ex-boyfriend who she told me could not satisfy her in the 3 year affair that they had which is all fine, my problem is that this is eating away at me questioning who i am and what type of person i maybe i have gone over the night in question and know in my heart i never and would never do what i see as raping someone.

    Every time i think about it it gets worse.

    This person does not want to do anything about it but i am an honest person and if i have done this terrible think wanted to axcept responsibility i am going out of my mind i told my family and have there support but it is my inner self that is battiling me driving me mad.