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help wrongfully convicted of rape

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  • help wrongfully convicted of rape

    I have a good friend that I want to help but I dont know what to do. I am not positive on the details because he and his family get too upset to talk about it much.
    He was 28 and was convicted of consentual rape & sodomy of a 16yr old girl. The girl is his xgirlfriends daughter. He is accused of consentually raping her 147 times in 3 surrounding counties. He took a plea to get out in one county. Still has pending charges in other counties. He served 1.5 yrs before his plea. She has had him convicted of 2 Felonies now. This on would be three. In the state of Alabama. There is a three strike rule. He goes to court in December. His family is poor and cant afford a good attormey.
    This girl has suposadly been raped by two other people also. My feelings as well as others is that she and her mother were mad he broke up with her and did this to him as pay back. I feel she is mentall ill.
    Please help me help this man. He is a good man!

  • #2
    Note: Moved to correct forum.
    I'd diet but I'm not in the moooo-d


    • #3
      Deborah - there is no such thing of consensual rape. Rape is having sexual intercourse without consent.

      Are you saying that she gave consent but where your friend lives this is below the age of consent so is classed as "statutory rape?"

      If this is what you mean then if he was aware of the girl's age, and that consent was given by her, then this is classed as "rape" as she would be deemed to be too young to give consent. If he had sex with her, and it was consensual and he believed her to be of the age of consent then he might have a defence.

      If he claims that he did not have sex with her in any form - then he cannot claim "it" was consensual if "it" never took place.

      You need to find out the facts of the case first - however if he says that NOTHING happened then he can contact this US support group for further advice:

      Please note that the above group only helps those who are FALSELY accused, and who is not claiming to have had consensual sex with an underage girl, knowing her to be underage.

      Hope this assists
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~

