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help! brother accused of rape

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  • help! brother accused of rape

    (Posted on old forum on Wednesday, February 04, 2004)

    My brother is being accused of raping his three cousins and I believe he is innocent. My cousin told me of this in a bar when she was drunk and said that it happened five years ago to her. My brother does not know that she is accusing him of this and she said that the police was just going to come and lift my brother for this. Her other sister is the one who told her teacher at school but begged the teacher not to tell anyone but she had to. Their younger sister is only ten and it was also supposed to happen to her. I told my parents what was happening and they asked their mother who is my mothers sister what was going on but she said that she knows that it is going to a court away from our home. The girls were 13, 10 and 9 when this was supposed to happen but no one has questioned my brother. The girls also had no medical done which I thought was strange if he was supposed to interfere with minors. The oldest who is now 18 also told her mother that I told her that my brother also abused me which is complete lies so that is why I would question their allegation and it has also been September since the girl reported this to the teacher and nothing has been done. I don't know whether to tell my brother and maybe nothing come from these allegations and maybe him attempt to do something to himself as he went to a special care school and has learning difficulties. The girls and their mother still come down to the house where this has supposed to happen and I think this strange that they are not scared of my brother if this did happen. Could someone please tell me if this sounds strange and can I do anything to help him with this.

  • #2
    (Posted on old forum on Thursday, February 12, 2004)

    This post was purely abusive in nature and has been removed. The poster, whose details were recorded automatically by the forum script, has been reported to their ISP. This usually results in termination of their account by their ISP. We would like to apologise for any hurt that was caused by the post.


    • #3
      Originally posted by De$per8@Jul 25 2004, 04:23 PM
      Post removed by webmaster
      For your information my brother did not do anything to his cousins and I would have liked some advice not someone labelling him before he is even questioned by the police or anyone. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I am hurt and discussed by your comments. He did not bumm his own cousins as you put it.


      • #4
        Hi, I am dave
        I?ve been to jail wrongfully accused of sexual assault my email is My advice is if no authorities have been near your brother you leave well alone, you could snowball this. Please be careful. When I got accused I went to the police - biggest mistake of my life they went for me so please hear what I?m saying let sleeping dogs lie. You have got my email I am on msn get back I?d like to chat to you before you make any decision and could make things worse for your brother.
        Bye for now dave xxxx


        • #5
          (Posted on old forum on Thursday, February 12, 2004)

          Oh how I feel for you. My family have been through something similar to you, our hands were tied the police was involved and no charges were ever made. Because of no charges being made the local authorities decided to take my son to court where it is a judge that makes the decision on who is telling the truth they call this a finding of fact based on probability. My eldest son lost even though there was no evidence. His accuser was his own brother who was 9 at the time and in voluntary care. My son has now admitted that he lied because he was found to have been sexually experimenting with a girl. The foster mother told my son to blame his older brother who she knew had been sexually abused as a child and that social service classed him as a potential abuser because he had been abused. The foster mother knew she would be in trouble her self for not supervising my son. Now 5 years down the line my sons are not allowed to see each other because of this finding of fact. This is something that can not ever be taken away from my eldest son he is left with nothing. He cannot ever have his own children as they will be taken in to care because he won?t admit to something his abuser now says never happened. I wish my eldest son would have been charged because then he would have been able to fight to clear his name with a finding of fact nothing can ever be changed unless the accused admits it.
          I wish you your brother and family well. Tell your brother to stay strong.


          • #6
            (Posted on old forum on Thursday, August 05, 2004)

            i was drunk at the time

