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Answered Bail today......

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  • Answered Bail today......

    ....only to be told the "victim" (haha) had walked into the police station 48 hours after first telling the police id raped her and said it was consensual!

    Basicly i was on a works night out about 2 months ago and got chatting to a couple of know usal stuff small talk flirting few drinks and then a kiss...well to cut along story short we end up in a hotel 2 hours later (me her , her friend and a mate of mine) i gets 2 rooms and pay (im kind like that) go's to the room we have full sex all fine when finished she go's to the loo so i make a sharp thing i know old bill banging me door down the next morning take me all credit bank cards and clothes to the police station where im nicked dna taken thrown in a cell then in out in out for 5 hours ...then qustioned bailed to return today. now im a strong thick skined person and ive been sh*tting my self basicly due to the fact that this sort of sh*t sticks and im married with a little girl and a very good to say ive been sweating is an understatement.

    So i goes to said police station today having not heard a dicky and im met by a woman from the rape unit whos says " oh its been dropped NFA is being taken agaist you"!!!!

    Well thanks for letting me know...

    what i wanted to get across to any young men reading this is be very very carful of the female company you keep or befriend on a night out...and aways say goodbye!!!

    Im looking into the poss of taking legal action against this person ..but as many on here have said the old bill seem like it would be a waste of time.....

    Crazy sh*t!!
    Last edited by bigjohn78; 29 August 2008, 08:36 PM.