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Where Do I Go For Help?

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  • Where Do I Go For Help?

    Please can someone help me?

    A little of the story - my son's 'friend', he insists that they weren't really boyfriend and girlfriend, but they slept together occassionally - has accused him of rape. He is on bail, pending the outcome of the investigation, I sincerely believe my son is innocent.

    This girl has told a string of lies, many quite sexual in nature, she tell of being put to work as a prostitute by her brother, of children she has given birth to, that her 'real boyfriend' has been murdered by his boss, and that the guy she is with now is his identical twin brother........ it goes on and on.

    We only have the solicitor who was assigned at the police station, and he just doesn't seem to care what happens to my son.

    How on earth do I go about finding a solicitor who knows what they are doing in this situation? Can my son get legal aid to fight this if he is charged? Can she be prosecuted for making a false allegation?

    I don't feel I am helping my son at all, his solicitor tells me to ring the police if I want to know what is happening, but I have lost my trust in the police, they were nasty and manipulative with me and I am not convinced they always tell me the truth!

    Can anyone help?

  • #2
    I've got a friend who is a solicitor - she is up north. She starts at a new practice on 1st September. However she's been practising for some years now. I'll ask her if she would take this on. If she can't for whatever reason then I'll do a search for you. In the meantime I would suggest that as this is a public forum you don't say too much on here as police sometimes lurk here.

    Go to and join from there.
    Last edited by Rights Fighter; 27 August 2008, 01:03 PM.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Trust Your Instincts

      Hi All from Australia - again.

      It is a sad indictment when we all live in a "modern" society and yet we have such a distrust of police. Being an ex police officer and falsely accused puts me in what one would call an unenviable position. Mayflower trust your instincts, if you feel your son is not receiving the attention to detail he requires, then find someone who will - leave no stone unturned and spare no expense. I can safely say that if I had listened to my own advice, I would not have gone to gaol and lost everything. Secondly the people on this website do not judge you nor your son. But what they say is true, if you place any incriminating evidence on the site (even though you are well intentioned) they can use it in Court. Sadly all of the points you bring up about this woman cannot be admitted. There are rape shield laws in each country, these are designed to not allow the jury to hear evidence that has no bearing on the trial, but is evidence that would damage her character and therefore have a negative impact on her evidence. The best advice I can offer you is for your son to write everything down that he can remember, no embellisments, just the truth as he is going to be tested in Court - any deviation from his evidence will affect his credibilty. The next thing you must know is that the old adage "Why would she lie" is in the minds of the jury. Innocent until proven guilty is a misnomer. Your son must prove his innocence and the only way he can do that is to leave no stone unturned. If you feel the solicitor is not acting in your sons best interest, get one who will. All of the best and I do sincerely wish you the best.


      • #4
        so sorry to hear what is happening....

        I got told that you can change to another solicitor under legal aid you just have to find one and let your current one you want to transfer your legal aid to another solicitor. I am being treated the same way by the police with my husband's case. I have come to the conclusion that the only person you can rely on is yourself. Be strong for your son. I have been to hell and back but I just remember how much he needs. People say you should have some sort of support from friends or family, but once you tell people what has happened they, like the police and judges, tend to sympathise with the complainant. So tell someone you completely trust but no one else.

        Good Luck.


        • #5
          A transfer of funding from one solicitor to another is at present quite difficult to obtain. Once the process has hit the court system it is up to a judge to make the decision.

          There is an update on Mayflower's story but I cannot post that here as that is for Mayflower to do.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            Hold Onto Hope!

            Just to say that in the end the Police decided that there was to be no further action, my son has no charges to face.

            The story continues, but I can't go into details - let's just say that things have turned in the totally opposite direction now and there is still an ongoing investigation, but not into my son.

            I hope all those who have been falsely accused get the same outcome as my son and that justice is served in the end.

            Best Wishes to all


            • #7
              great news...

              that's great news for you. hope some of that luck rubs off onto me.


              • #8
                Some Hope For Those Wrongly Accused

                Hi I haven't been in for a while.

                Some of you know the near end of my story, but I thought I would post it here to give others hope. I say 'near end' because we aren't quite at the final stage.... but we are certainly nearly there.

                Lots happened along the way, which I won't go into here, the situation is quite unique and as such identifiable.

                As I said previously, in December 08 he was released on bail, but the investigation continued and in March the false accuser was charged with Attempting to Pervert The Course of Justice.

                She has finally pleaded guilty, and it is now nearly a year since the accusation. Later on in the summer this girl will be sentenced. And we shall be there to see this happen.

                I just wanted people to know that it doesn't always turn out that the police will do anything to 'nail' the alleged rapist, the police turned out to be fantastic, despite my loss of trust. The CPS saw through the lies and in the end they have taken action to the bitter end to ensure justice for my wrongly accused son.

                We kind of feel lucky, having now come across lots of people convicted of crimes that were never committed, but on the other hand, we shouldn't have to feel lucky, it should never have happened, we should never have been in this nightmare situation that is down to one person alone.

                My son, has of course been through hell, no other word for it. Perhaps he should be happy now, it is all over, and in a way he is happy about that, but the aftermath is going to be around for a long time, and it will take him a long, long time to recover from the allegations. He will never be the same lad he was before this all happened, there have been far too many impacts on him. But considering where he could have been now.... well lets not even go there.

                All I can do now is support my son and do what I can to support others falsely accused.



                • #9
                  Hi Mayflower, thanks for sharing your positive outcome of a false accusation. I'm sure it will help others who have found themselves in a similar position and are in despair.

                  I hope that the accuser gets the same sentence as your son would have done if the lies had been believed - but I doubt it.

                  Please post with the result, it will be interesting to find out.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #10
                    2 years in a young offenders institution for PCOJ. It's not much but I am glad you has a spell in prison and is truly punished for her crime.


                    • #11
                      well its much better than a slap on the wrist. Not as much as we'd have liked her to have received, but its a start.

                      Here's hoping more liars will be seeing the inside of a cell.
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • #12
                        thats great news both about your son and about his accusser being punished. i know her sentence won't make up for what she has put you and your son through but hopefully it restores your faith in the system a bit and makes her think twice before putting anyone else through this ordeal.
                        "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)

