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I heard the words today NFA! - It is all over!

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  • I heard the words today NFA! - It is all over!

    It is all over with the police - No Further Action - NFA
    That has made me really happy today
    My solicitor is on her way to the station now to have with them a little chat
    For it might be over for me - but that is not entirely that

    As well the mother of my baby is who made up this horrible lie
    To get her arrested she is going to try
    I am going to ring them and put my two pennies in as well
    For I now want her to spend time in a police cell!

    Don't I ****ing just
    To get her arrested is a must
    In fact I am going to have to arrange a mini bus
    For all the people who want to see her in court getting bust!

    As the judge will say ***** ***** I am sentencing you
    To prison and at least 6 months you will have to do!
    Now hand cuff her and to the cells let her be led
    I just can't wait until that is said!

    For you have sown the wind - and the whirlwind you will now reap
    You need to be punished and a punishment which is steep!
    And this in your mind I want you to keep
    Victory today in our little war - I took a giant leap!

    For news of this - is starting to spread far and wide
    A lot of important people know you have lied
    They are just pissed off with you as I am
    I so hope you on the cell door they slam!

    I can contact you legally now - but I never will!
    As far as I am concerned I hope they hammer you the old bill!
    At you I really hope they throw the book
    Oh and I can't wait for at this poem for you to look!

    I have not said HA HA HA - let me rectify that now
    For on yourself you have brought one big row!

    I have no sympathy you only have yourself to blame
    You lost and whats more you lost playing your own little game
    Oh dear what a shame
    And in the national news papers they might very well print your name
    In more of these poems expect the same

    Out - now by a clean bowl
    Mixing metaphors - but you scored an own goal
    Now it is my turn at the wicket my turn at the bat
    On a pitch which is flat
    And boy I am going to knock you for six
    For trying to get me into a fix
    Pay back on you today that starts in earnest - Your turn to sweat!
    And as far as I am concerned you owe me a big debt

    Not sure how to end this poem - I looking for that last line
    How about very soon now you will be charged with wasting police time
    So I will leave you there on that thought
    I look forward to seeing YOU IN THE DOCK in a CRIMINAL court!

  • #2

    I'm so glad quinnb that your ordeal is finally over! Hope they arrest and charge her for wasting police time. The detective leading my case informed me that the investigation against my false accuser is on going so hopefully she will be prosecuted. They have also been informed (shown evidence) that benefit fraud by my accuser has been carried out. She will be prosecuted for this!! REVENGE.


    • #3
      well done QuinnB, glad to hear that common sense prevailed.


      • #4
        Good news. Although, Forget any thought of the police prosecuting her...they just don't like doing it no matter how much evidence there may be.

