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Falsely accused of rape

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  • Falsely accused of rape

    Please help me I am distraught with worry.
    My son had sex with a much older girl after they had both had a lot to drink.My son has been told that he has to present himself to the police tomorrow and he will be arrested and this is a normal process and he will have DNA taken and be fingerprinted.My son (he is under 18) says that the woman wanted him to go home with her and when he refused she started to cry and said that she was going to report him to the police for rape because he used her. He maintains that this was consensual.He is so scared and is unable to eat and drink,cannot sleep.He is worried to death that he will be prosecuted and lose his ability to have a job.Can anyone help me?

  • #2
    Rights Fighter will be along shortly to advise you and hopefully be able to help you with legal help - you need a specialist lawyer, not a run of the mill one.

    In the meantime get him to write down EVERYTHING he can remember - if there were witnesses that saw how she was behaving, get them to write down their statements too - without comparing notes between them otherwise this will be seen as collusion.

    Have a look through other posts in the meantime, the advice posted normally runs the same in each case.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hello Worried Mum

      Would you like to PM me your location so I can see if I know of a solicitor experienced in false allegations of sexual abuse in your area? As RFLH says - a bog standard criminal defence solicitor is not enough.

      I also run a private online support forum - if you go to
      you can join from there.

      It's best not to say too much on an open forum as you don't know who could be reading this.
      Last edited by webmoo; 10 August 2008, 10:12 PM. Reason: Fixed URL link
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4

        Please dont take this passive. I too have been accused of somethign horrible that I didnt and never would do and it is killing me as it ruins a life I have worked so hard to build. Contact the best attorney possible as soon as you can and fight it. My trial is the 29th of Sept 08 and I am personally struggling with being able ot defend myself against a crime that has no physical evidence yet I am being told that it will be hard to defend and that I should prepare for time in prison. Good luck I pray everything works out for you both. I know first hand how this kills people and their families.


        • #5
          I think you are in America. If you are, please answer this or PM me by clicking on my name/link and I can send you a list of US support groups.

          The laws here are different to those in the US.

          Thank you for coming here to support others while you are in your own pain yourself. It is much appreciated.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~

