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Unfair justice system......

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  • Unfair justice system......

    Hello There,

    Looking for some advice.. Not been accussed of Rape but a sexual offence none the less and we all get hit with the same stick here in the UK.. Basically I am already on the dreaded register for an indecent offence in 2002. (I groped a woman when I shouldnt have!!) I was extremely drunk at the time and I pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and have complied with the offenders register since. My troubles began at work being accused of sexual harrassment on 2 occassions, for which my employer diligently interviewed myself and my accuser. Anyway my employer recognised that there were flaws in some of her story and only punished me for placing my hands on this womans waist, which I admitted. A few months on I have been arrested and charged with 3 counts of sexual assault... due to me being open with my visiting police officer about what was going on. This woman didnt go forward to complain, the police chased her up!! Anyway my only defence is that her story has slightly changed in parts from the one she told my employer.
    She now says I have kissed her when her original statement to the employer stated that I only tried. There are also a few other discrepancies all of which have made things sound worse. I have denied all allegations, but due to my past bad character I'm probably likely to get locked up regardless & now lose my job which is what she wants, and didnt get through work. I'm in a situation where I have to prove innocence rather than them prove guilt!! She actually showed me pictures of herself on her mobile phone and also showed me her breasts during one of our encounters which she fully denies, but its me in the doc not her. No one has tried to substantiate my claims about the phone!!?? Its almost as if they dont believe me... So like any Sex offender theyl lock me up and throw away the key.... Any advice on this rather tricky situation???

  • #2
    Sorry to hear this. There will be those who will judge you on your prior error, especially the police.

    Unfortunately police in the UK just love to ignore evidence, especially physical evidence, come to that, they like ignoring eye witnesses too!

    I had religiously made copies of text messages sent by my false accuser, them 'admitting' it was a false allogation...did the police want to know...of course this CORRUPT police force we now have did not want to know!

    There were also eye-witnesses to consent, have the police prosecuted the false accuser...of course not as that might mean going to court and the rest of the police abuses & violations coming out!!!

    Any chance you can at least find out who her phone service provider is?


    • #3
      Not without Police help really, and theyve already dug their heels in their reply to my request about the phone was that. She would have by now either sold it on... people change their mobiles phones a lot they said, or the incriminating photos will have been deleted they said. No due diligence at all. My employer when they carried out their enquiry into her accusations of sexual harrasment at work could not confiscate thew phone but they did question her about it. After being questioned her first reaction would have been on exiting to destroy the evidence concerned!! So that a bit of a dead end unless the police can recover deleted stuff but that requires their cooperation... Which my solictor will try to get in court. The only rock solid stuff I have is the statements of all concerned taken at work. As part of my defence at that time I requested her statement, this was given to me but only on the pretense that my statement was given to her. Her statement to the police has changed in parts -- She told my employer under no crcumstances were we freinds -- yet my statement and staements of others proved that there was a freindship of sorts -- she told the police we were freinds!! 2. She told my employer that I tried to kiss her - - this changed to actually kissing her which is now one of my charges under the sexual offences act 2003. She told my employer that I tried to lift her top up -- but told police that I actually put my hands on her waist under her top and moved one of my hands up towards her breast the other down towards her knicker line. I told the police this their reaction was her statement to my employer didnt matter!! all that mattered was the statements made to them -- We investigate things better they said!! My solictor on the other hand has reassured me that the previous statement will matter to a judge and jury!! I would bloody well hope it would too, its all Ive got really. They will definately push to bring up my previous bad character to the jury -- its their main weapon, and it frightens me that it may well be all thats needed to tip the scales in her favour. I have got no real way of proving consent or that shes lieing other than her previous statements. Theres an old saying liars forget what they have said... but when you tell the truth you never forget because it actually happened...


      • #4
        Hi Red Dwarf

        this is an unfortunate situation. To be honest, the position you find yourself in is a new one to me, as when my husband was accused, it had never happened to him before. Yes, people will judge you on what has happened in the past, although they shouldn't. I know someone who is on the SOR for pulling a moony while he was on a stag weekend. Recent laws state that previous convictions/charges can be released to a jury prior to them retiring to reach a verdict.

        All I can suggest is that you find yourself a seriously good solicitor - one who specialises in sexual crimes. Good luck, I hope you get the outcome you want.



        • #5
          Police are underhanded!!

          Hi all,

          Have been to court for stating my plea... and went on holiday the day after welcome relief On arriving back I found a registered post letter from my employer. My previous offence had not come out in court... but the police have taken what I can only assume is great pleasure in informing my employer that Im a sex offender, they have also told my accuser in what I can only assume was a ploy to coerce her to come forward.. that she would be doing some kind of public service??... (Im supposed to be low risk!! I have not pleaded guilty to what Im accused of!!! So my conditions on the register should not change, what happened to innocent until proven guilty???) Anyway my employer has put all this down in writing and has stated that the outcome to their investigation into sexual harrassment of this woman would have had a possible different outcome if they were privy to this information.. They asked why I did not tell them?? Well their letter which states they now have to give serious consideration to my future employment answers their question!! Bias, they would not have investigated both sides of the story fairly if they had this information. They have asked me to confirm the following, 1. That I am indeed on the register. 2. For how long I was placed on the register. 3. When I was put on the register. 4. The circumstance in detail surrounding me getting put on the register. All I can assume is that this is the beginning of the end with my employment... They already know as they have stated that Im on the register... All I can hope for is that crown court now find me not guilty, and this will give me a case hopefully against my employer for dismissal under discriminatory grounds... Anyone got any advice on this?? Know of any good solictors that have dealt with sex cases in the Leeds, Bradford area and also know of any good employment law solictors. Surely they cant fire me just for being on the register?? They never asked me to disclose any criminal records to get this job it was CV only

