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I need some advice please

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  • I need some advice please

    My 16yr old son has been falsely accused of rape by an 18yr old girl. He has Aspergers and ADHD and met her by chance at a specialist college where he was attending for his taster day.

    She was also attending a taster week.

    At the end of the day, when we picked him up he asked to meet her later on, which he did and although there was an issue where he was harrassed by some boys he came home and all was quiet.

    I got a text message from a work colleague who asked that I give her a ring, it transpired she had been working with this girl and her family. She suggested that I give the Mum a ring as it may be useful for me to talk to her. I aksed her why and she said that this girl was very vulnerable and that she had a history of fantasising. This girl also has Aspergers. I duly spoke with the Mother, who warned me that she did indeed have a history of making false allegations and of fantasising about sex. Completely at a loss as to what to do, I suggested to her that it probably wouldn't be advisable to stop their budding friendship, but instead to police/supervise their contact as much as possible. She answered that yes, we would need to do that.

    Consequently, when my son told me he was going to meet this girl on Saturday morning I ensured it was in a public place and insisited he phone another friend of his to meet up with him first. Believing I had every avenue covered, I let him go off with his friend to meet this girl.

    Later that day, he returned home, then went out to meet another friend and I asked him if everything was okay. He said it was, but that this girl had experienced a hypo whilst they were in the town and he had gone to Tesco's to buy her some sweets with the friend she had turned up with. I asked if anything had happened between them and he said no. I asked him more directly and he asked why I needed to know. I did try to explain that she was very vulnerable and that as we didn't know her she could accuse him of anything and he answered, 'why would she do that, she's my girlfriend?'

    At 1.20am the Police hammered on our door and cautioned him for Rape, although we didn't know that at the time. We got to the Police Station and were told very little.

    He underwent forensic testing, including swabbing etc. and was utttily traumatised by the whole situation. The next day we got a duty solicitor to be with him whilst he was interviewed and his story didn't change. He openly admitted to having consential sex with her.

    I then found out that the boy she had taken with her to meet my son was also accused of rape. His mother asked me who I was in the waiting room. Completely shocked, I just said that I was sure that neither of them had done anything.

    After 17hrs in Police custody he was bailed to return next month. We don't know if my son's friend was also accused. And obviously we are not allowed to talk to anyone. The Officer in charge of the case said that she hopes to have it cleared up as quickly as possible.

    I've found a solicitor who specialises in these types of cases, but the aftermath is enormous and I'm watching my child push his self-destruct button. To make matters worse, I got a phone call from the lady who runs the specialist college placement explaining that she had been trying to get hold of me since my son visited to warn me to keep him away from this girl. She was unaware of the rape allegation but seemed certain that it would all amount to nothing.

    Nothing? I am in absolute pieces and can't do my job, can't sleep, eat or anything. All the while, I'm dealing with my special needs child who in complete frustration has torn my house apart. Even if this comes to nothing, which is not looking likely as they clearly believe her, it is me and my family who will be left to pick up the pieces of a very broken young man.

    Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.

    Thank you


  • #2
    Hello Robin.

    I'm so sorry to hear what has happened to your son. This girl clearly has some serious personality issues, but the police are obligated to investigate such a serious allegation as thoroughly as they can. It sounds as though you did everything you could to make sure your boy would be safe, but unfortunately rape is the only crime which does not require corroborration of any kind - a statement is enough for the CPS to proceed with charges. However, if the girl's mother has already warned you that she has a history of making false allegations, then i would doubt whether her testimony would be considered reliable.

    The good news is that you have already taken some very positive steps. You are absolutely right to appoint a specialist solicitor - do not just rely on the Duty Sol, as they are not necessarily experienced in these types of cases. No doubt Rights Fighter will be along shortly and she may be able to offer you advice on how to choose a solicitor. You may also want to look at which is another online support forum.

    I am afraid that i do not know very much about Aspergers or ADHD, but I do know that being arrested, detained, swabbed, and having intimate samples taken is traumatic enough for someone who doesn't suffer from these conditions. My husband has never forgotten what it was like. Does your son have a counsellor he could talk to? If not, I would get him to the GP as soon as possible, explain what has happened, and your GP will be able to refer him to a suitable counsellor.

    It sounds to me as though everyone who knows this girl thinks she is Trouble with a capital T. This could be very useful to you if it gets as far as prosecution. Try to make a note of the phone conversations you have had, save any text messages, keep your phone bills to prove that these conversations took place, particularly the one with the girl's mother. If your son is charged you will need to pass all this to your solicitor - DO NOT give the info to the police. Our Boys in Blue are under a tremendous amount of pressure to meet their targets, and will not necessarily be interested in anything that either proves your son's innocence, or casts doubt on the reliability of the complainant.

    And finally to you. I know what you are going through, having experienced it myself. It is harrowing seeing someone you love go to pieces (my husband was suicidal, self harmed, and smashed up our bannisters out of frustration and despair). You can't concentrate on anything except this, and it consumes your whole life. I went to my GP and was referred to a specialist counsellor. I refused medication, although in hindsight it might have been a good idea to accept it. Being the "strong" one is incredibly draining, and you feel as though you can't let go of your emotions because you need to prop up the one you love who has been accused. But if you don't look after yourself, you will not be able to look after him. Take some time off work to get your head together, see your GP, and grasp any help you are offered with both hands. I would suggest telling a handful of select people, people you know and trust, and then they will be able to support you. I dealt with this on my own for 10 weeks before I could tell anyone, and it was horrendous. but a problem shared is truly a problem halved, so i would urge you to confide in someone you know well, and trust absolutely.

    I am sure that Lemming, Rights Fighter and RFLH will be along shortly to offer their advice and support. If you need to talk, please feel free to PM me.



    • #3
      I've got nothing, Saffron - you said it all perfectly.

      Your son is so lucky to have a family who believe him, and it sounds like a lot of the community - particularly those who know the girl - will be sympathetic.


      • #4
        Robin states that she has found a solicitor who specialises in these cases - I do hope that true as some solicitors will say they have such experience, and they may well have, but they might also not be very good at it. Which part of the UK is this solicitor based?

        One thing you will need to instruct your solicitor to do is to find an expert in Aspergers with ADHD to confirm that people with this condition are capable of making false allegations.

        Unfortunately I am away early tomorrow prison visiting on the Isle of Wight for a few days with no internet access while I am away so I can't really give much thought to this until I return.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          this is a dreafull situation for you, i hope all turns out well in the end as im sure it will,try to stay calm as possible,see the doctor for some help with your sleeping,this will help you fight this dreadfull situation,, regards mark.

