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Brother wrongly accused - what can I do?

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  • Brother wrongly accused - what can I do?

    HI people - can't tell you how glad I am to have found this. My brother has just been arrested and bailed on a rape charge from his ex girlfriend and I am so angry I could scream. This woman has made our whole familys life a misery for 3 yrs, she has a 3 yo daughter by my brother who she refuses to let him see, despite court orders for access etc, and is constantly accusing all of us of wild and ridiculous things ( we are a police family and not one of us has even so much as a parking ticket!) including reporting me to the police last year for apparently kicking her car. I did not, of course, so this. I was not able to support my brother in his last access fight as I wok in the education system and she would have had a chance to blacken my name and ruin my career too. Now she has accused my brother of rape, 18 months ago, so no evidence whatsoever, and it will come down to his word against her in court in Aug. She has tried to get my sister disqualified as a child minder, again utterly baseless accusations, and now this.
    I am at my wits end and am so scared how he is going to cope with this as he is not a strong person. He's no angel, but he would never do this, I know that.
    I cannot believe the system allows people like her to constantly waste police time, and ruin peoples lives. Surely there is something we can do to just make her stop and just go away.
    I feel so sorry for my niece, what sort of life is she going to have, with a maniac mother, a father accused of rape etc etc.
    Please help - any advice woudl be great
    Thanks so much

  • #2
    Hi Kir, sorry that you've ended up here.

    If you go to and join the forum there, you will be able to get all the help and advice you need, plus lots of support from people just like you - all going through the distress and pain of false accusations.

    No doubt Rights Fighter will be along shortly to tell you ther same thing plus bits of other info!!
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi Kir

      I note you have family members in the police who will know procedures and there will be records of all the previous false allegations she has directed against your family. I wouldn't mind betting that this is the result of the breakdown of his relationship with her and contact/access with his daughter.

      You need to get evidence of all the other stuff she's done that would provide strong evidence that any evidence she might give is unreliable (official if possible, if not then witnesses and make sure they nail their colours to the mast asap by going to the solicitor to make statements for defence otherwise over-zealous police investigators will try to nobble them, thereby denying your brother vital defence witnesses. I've seen this happen before).

      Your brother needs a solicitor who is experienced in these matters. Somebody who is just used to defending burglars and the like will not do.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        Brother trouble

        Guys - thanks so much for the support and advice. Unfortunately, we have no evidence of previous allegations, as they have been made and rescinded, or made and not pursued. I will check to see if Mum or my brother still have the threatening text messages etc.
        We also have no idea as to where to go for other witnesses as we have never been in contact with her family ( who stopped communicating with her about 2 yrs ago as far as we know.) Our police relatives can only offer advice from their point of view, which I totally understand, but which still makes us feel powerless. I guess, now I've had a couple of hours to think,that I want to know if this baseless allegation against my brother can/will make the press ( which of course we want to avoid for the sake of his kids and his business) and whether there is anything we can do to stop this crazy woman. Why oh why do people want to destroy the lives of others in this manner? Its unbelievable. Can we countersue for slander, or something like that? On second thoughts, I guess it now has to go thru the system. Its just so frustrating.
        thank you so much for listenening to my rant. Its good to know we are not alone in this.



        • #5
          Hi Kir

          What you can do is to give all contact address of people who can help (her family as well) to the solicitor and he or she can write to them. If you don't have addresses give the sol the full names and approximate area as they could still be found.

          Make sure the solicitor writes to all of them!
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~

