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Police are USELESS!!

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  • Police are USELESS!!

    police to me are in a word USELESS!
    The arresting officer told me - I was accused of a HEINIOUS crime.
    Heinious means un-speakable evil!

    If that is the case then.....?

    Why did it take a week to arrest me? - So police potentially let a dangerous criminal to walk the streets? -

    Why did it take 6 weeks to arrange teeth implants and why does it take another 6 weeks for the results to arrive?
    My solictor told me I am not a prioity - hold on I am on bail for a HEINIOUS crime - so if that is not a prioity what is?

    Why does it take so long to check out a PC? - I work in IT myself it takes no more than a few hours to do a ghost image then a few more hours - I will be generous and say a day to go through it? - My PC has no passwords or encryption yet again the obviously can't be bothered to do some work.

    The DI in charge of his useless officers told me they would conduct a thorough and impartial investigation - again aload of bollox! - if it was impartial the "thing" that made this false allegation against me would have also been arrested - as it is plain one of us is lying! - that would have been impartial. Instead I am the one on bail and the real criminal is laughing.

    I aim to make as many complaints that I can about this and to get this story to the maxium amount of people? The police can't or won't be able to take out on me - but they can dam well take it out on the "thing" who made this whole story up! - That is my offical strategy anyway!
    Last edited by quinnb; 6 June 2008, 05:44 PM. Reason: just removing the name of the police force!

  • #2
    I think you'll find that they can do just as they please.....

    You may well want to delete the exact place name as they do tend to read this forum as the owners will tell you - it won't do you any good at this time for your case.

    They have a huge backlog of computers to trawl through as well as few people to do it - down to budgets I should imagine if you query it!

    They also seem to have done a really good job of winding you up - please be careful that you don't talk yourself into other charges - you wouldn't be the first.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      What other charges can I talk myself into?
      Yes I agree they can do as they please - and they are? BUT don't tell me it is a serious and heinious crime! - IF this was then they would not have taken this long.
      As for a big backlog of PC'S etc and not enough ppl and budgets - why the hell should that be my problem?
      I have done F**k all wrong - the evil cow that accused me of this is laughing her head off - I know they will clear me but why the hell should I have to wait. JUSTICE is not being done full stop!
      At the end of the day a baby a pure innocent baby is being born in September - her masterplan was to get rid of me - I am just a sperm donor and the police are letting her get away with it up2now? Is that justice - I really don't think so.
      This needs to be resolved - arrest her send her to holloway and give me that baby, The police are not helping. - Who says crime does not pay
      Ok rant over!


      • #4
        It is your problem and the more you rail against them and name them you may just be making things worse for yoursdelf. Rant away, but realise that you're only harming yourself and maybe the owners of the board.

        We've been there and got the prison t shirt, you may well only have the one charge at the start of it, but I'll bet you a quid that those charges will keep multiplying on each visit. The more you have against you, the better chance they have of something sticking.

        Life isn't fair and there is rarely any justice.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          What other charges, you ask? Your accuser says you 'pimped' her out to 30 other men, each a separate charge. She hasn't yet claimed that you EVER raped her - perhaps the police could feel that's a question to ask her in clarifying your relationship? Or if not assault or sexual assault or attempted rape???

          The charges could well multiply, lots of men have been in court over multiple charges from just one incident (eg did she suck his c*ck before sex? Yes. Then that's two counts of rape for a start...).

          RFLH is only telling you the way it is, I'm afraid. UD had the sense to start shouting about things AFTER his case was NFAed. Just like social workers, the police will take a dislike to someone and decide that they 'deserve it', and whatever happens after you're charged is none of their concern - it's very much yours, as RFLH says. The things you're complaining about are topics to be discussed by politicans and the like, unless procedural errors can get the case dismissed in court. A 'reasonable amount of time' to investigate is hardly ever acceptable to normal people, whether the accused or the accuser. So yes, make sure you remember/write down every detail for your solicitor but concentrate on the main issue which is proving your innocence.

          It sounds like your accuser has gone over-the-top in her lies and computer evidence etc will discourage any charges against you (CPS only take cases to court that have a better than 50% chance of conviction, that's all that's needed). Will it encourage charges to be brought against her? Hopefully, but don't hold your breath! Be grateful, if she'd have kept her story simple you'd be up the creek without a paddle!

          By the way, whatever the police tell you - 'impartial investigation', 'wasting police time'. Are they written down and signed by the officer? No? Then it's completely useless, other than giving you an indication of their opinion - which is better than being treated like scum! The fact they're ignoring you or feel like you're pestering them could just mean they have better things to do than investigate allegations made by a mental case. So stop pestering them before you p*ss 'em off! There was an interesting thread by by BroA8 detailing how the police treat these cases, I forget exactly but it's in the 'introduce yourself' section - read it! The police are just case builders, not truth finders. And they have targets to meet... Expect to be on bail for a few more months and if the case is NFAed earlier then be thankful. Yes you're a victim but it's not over yet. Clearly someone's lying and the best way to find out the truth is in a court of law ie charging you. Be prepared for that too. But her pregancy/child will complicate things further if they do consider charges against her, to the extent that they may well not charge her with anything.

          And in a sick way, it's better that she's dragged two/three other people into this mess, with embellishments. That's more people trying to find out how to prove their innocence and in the process yours. Have the police told you not to contact them? Then don't contact them, let solicitors do that. Otherwise it will look like you're fixing your stories. There's plenty of stuff that will prove her lies: phone, pc, teeth implants, CCTV footage etc. The police, I gather, are aware of these items. Anything else you discover is strictly for yourself and your solicitor NOT the police - constantly said in other threads but worth re-iterating.

          A heinous crime? Yes, but your argument is that you'd be on remand or charged, not police bail. That doesn't stop you being convicted and sent down for years, believe me. The general public are not aware of the bizarre way these things are conducted. So welcome to the club.

          There will never be closure for you, I'm sad to say. If you equate being a victim of a false accusation with getting justice you're barking up the wrong tree. She will be laughing her head off regardless, especially since the damage is clearly still being done.

          Harsh truth time over. I never liked being told these things either. I can't advise you on the legal issues, but I'd suggest any complaints against the police or your accuser should be dealt with when this is all over, by a solicitor. Good luck, and keep posting.
          Last edited by lemming; 6 June 2008, 10:25 PM.


          • #6
            By the way, despite Quinnb editing post, the thread title is still '*............* police are useless'. Quinnb or Webmoo, any ideas on removing that???
            Last edited by lemming; 6 June 2008, 10:44 PM.


            • #7
              Thanks for this - I was having a bad day yesterday and my way of dealing with things is to take my anger out on "paper" - funny that seems to get me into more trouble or potentially more trouble than if I knocked somebody out!

              I will be fair to the police in one way - I have made quite a few complaints against them - I have told them the reason that they can't take it out on me - but they can take it out on her and I will continue to rattle thier cages!
              I was told by my solictior/legal team at work that NO one can stop me from complaining and that is what I will carrying on doing.

              They sent an inspector out to me to listen to my complaints and I think to partially "shut me up" - he was world class and fully took my point of view.
              He also gave me verbal assurances the "thing" would be arrested and charged. His point was in order to prove her guilt they had to prove my innocence even though he was 100% sure that I had done anything - it still had to be proven. This as he explained took time and just to hang in there.

              However I as a previous thread says - life is not fair and there is no justice - I refuse to believe that. There will be justice - she will be arrested charged and sent to prison - If I have to go to every paper/TV/radio and every MP that I can I will. - I don't care if I have my name in the public domain as long as I get JUSTICE!

              Anway - I am in a better mood today - thanks for your replies!


              • #8
                Originally posted by lemming View Post
                By the way, despite Quinnb editing post, the thread title is still '*............* police are useless'. Quinnb or Webmoo, any ideas on removing that???
                quinnb - I assume you worked out how to fix it as I can't see that, but let me know if I'm being blind...

                EDIT: Sorry! I wasn't being blind, I was just being slow and a bit thick. Thread title edited...
                I'd diet but I'm not in the moooo-d


                • #9
                  good to see that you're a bit happier today.

                  Easier said than done, but do try to give yourself a break from all this or you'll drive yourself mad. The best way to unwind a bit is to go and have a walk. You don't mention if you have any support (apart from on here), I do hope so, good friends are few and far between and you certainly find out who they are when it all hits the fan!!
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #10
                    Yes I have lots of support - all my friends in honestly think it is all rather amusing - not one person I know thinks I am even vaguely guilty and it is all pretty much BAU! - (In fact I have met 2 girls since then - who did not no me from Adam and even they believe me) In contrast some of my friends were that "evil things" friends but they are no longer, - quoting such things as "If I ever see her again she is going to get such a slap etc" - so the mother of my baby at the moment she maybe "winning" - but the tide will turn against her.
                    So for her making a false allegation she will lose all her friends (she has already) she will have a criminal record and she will almost certainly lose her baby.
                    In a weird kind of way she has done me a favour - as in when the police actually do some work (sorry still a bit p1ssed off at them) and they clear me. I will then become the victim of crime! - I am very good at playing for sympathy and my victim of crime statement will reflect this. I don't think I will get any compensation from the criminal compensation board - but I think my story I may be able to sell to the media or a magazine at least meaning I will make a few quid out of this - and lastly and most importantly when it comes to a custody battle over the baby - well I will have a lot of ammunition on my side! - hopefully the courts will show me more sympathy and hammer her.
                    She is in a lose lose situation - I am just screwing at the moment as in my view the police know this is false - just they are not being very quick to prove it. I know they have more important things to be doing than as you put it - running around after some mental case - but that also means they are undermining justice which our whole system and way of life is built on!
                    But I will be cleared I know I will be - then well she has sown the wind and she will reap the whirlwind! - I just hate being accused of things I have not done!


                    • #11
                      The 'allegations made by a mental case' I was referring to was your accuser allegations - just read it back and can see how that could be taken two ways, still not sure which way you took it! The police are delayed for a number of reasons which it sounds like you understand 1) they leave themselves open to accusations of not thoroughly investigating, length of time being one factor 2) procedures, red tape, backlogs, budgets as already mentioned and 3) the OIC will have a few cases on the go and where possible will concentrate on what they feel are the more important cases - or at least that's how it felt with my case.

                      It's great that everyone's on your side, again same as me, but I always felt in the long run that could be turned against me: accusations of intimidating main witness via third party; her getting sympathy off strangers/official-type people when she tells them her life has been destroyed because she was brave enough to go to police, forced to leave town etc and making her more determined to 'stick it to him'. Just letting you know the pitfalls, that's all. Anything can be turned against you...

                      The police giving you the impression that you won't be charged and she will... Um, as I said the police are just the case-builders - they MUST build a case against you, however weak. So that's what they're doing - building a case - certainly not proving your innocence! And the decision to charge anyone rests solely with the CPS, an entirely separate department. I don't see how they can offer you these assurances??? Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing they're saying these things, but frankly it's bullsh*t if they're stating it as a fact.

                      Regarding your complaints: of course you have every right to complain and no-one will stop you. But in the same way as I'll let any member of staff bellyache as much as they like until I find a way to sack 'em, or eventually bar a customer who keeps complaining about food yet still keeps coming back and ordering meals. We're all human!. At the moment you're poking a behemoth who's got a giant hammer ready to drop squarely on your head. And worse, these behemoths have orders from above to drop as many hammers on people's heads as possible. Proceed with caution...

                      You're dealing with this much better than other people have so don't lose that spark of anger, just save it for when you need it! Though if as you say you come across as a victim rather than a shouty-angry person then all to the good. It may be you're coming across as a normal guy who's been plonked into a terrible situation, but I can't help thinking you're alienating yourself from the people who have tremendous power over you right now! As I said, the best way to find the 'truth', from their point of view, is in a courtroom. And the truth is written by the winner. 'The justice system' is a nice phrase for speechmakers but most of the time us great unwashed don't get to see much justice.

                      The reason why I'm being an ar**hole is because if it all works out for you then great, all I'll do is eat my words, if it doesn't then you'll have so much time to lament your actions it'll blow your mind! Get through your bail staying sane and functional, spending some time building your defence (which if not needed can be used against her) and afterwards do the rest, though planning ahead is a good idea. Apologies if I've misunderstood your posts, it's just that from the tone I get the impression you think it's cut and dried and you have rights. This is Britain in the 21st Century, Orwell was out by around 24 years.


                      • #12
                        The day after I was arrested - I came back to collect my car. In front of a witness the DC told me he believed it was fabricated but the "thing" still maintained it happened so off my PC/Phone etc had to go off for examination etc. He told me in front of this witness she would be charged with wasting police time! - I argued and will continue to argue that point cuz I think that makes the police victims not me! - so hence she should be charged wit conspicary to pervert course of justice.

                        I will argue your point though - the police maybe just case builders - but however hard they try there they have NO case to build against me!
                        There is nothing on my phone/PC etc etc etc - the teeth implants will come back as false - meaning they then have tangible evidence to use against her!
                        So that point is false - as in the truth will be she made it up.
                        I am very lucky however she embellished it that has been discussed with my friends if she had kept the story simple then I would be in real trouble. I think the only reason she brought my friends into it as I refused to have sex with her for sometime previous - so to get to me she had to make up a story to link me in. That is what makes this ironic - to the police I am just a "side show" - to even think about coming after me they have to prove the other twos guilt first! - then only then can they come after me, Yet it is me which is kicking up the most fuss over this - As I have the most to gain and the most to lose - as in the baby!

                        I agree I am sure there are more important cases to solve where real dangerous criminals are at large - but and again a big but - I believe conspicary to pevert justice carrys a life sentence - as it is a strike to justice its self - that would mean surely it is the most important case in the whole wide world! - And for me as a personal level I don't care so much for me and if had of just been me I would have taken this more passively - but there is a baby involved here and I think the police are not delivering justice for this baby - the only real innocent out of this entire pantomime!

                        Sorry mix up in communication - I totally understood when u were refering 2 her as the mental case! So no offence there as I know where u were coming from.

                        My solictior advised me not to go to the media as yet- but when this is over I sniff dollars!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by quinnb View Post
                          My solictior advised me not to go to the media as yet- but when this is over I sniff dollars!
                          I think you will find that there is very little financial gain to be made through the media (unless you have Max Clifford behind you and/or you are a (so called) celeb in your own right).

                          I have worked with various media, press, magazine & television over many years on gay rights/hate crime/injustice issues...never made a single brass bean.

                          Quite the contary, it has financially cost me thousands personally in phone calls, correspondence & time.

                          However, there can be enormous satisfaction in standing ones ground against injustice (especially where the system has monumentally failed). Doing the right thing, when all those who are 'supposed', legally duty bound to do the right thing...have not.

                          Also, be prepared, in the past I have provided journalists with written reference, quotes & material which they have then completely re-written, sometimes resulting in the conveying a messege other than that which I provided them.

