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  • Carthesis!

    I am bored of being on bail right now - the police I know are just doing thier jobs but good god they take so long! - A serious and heinious crime - yeah right! - It may well be but heinous means un-speakable evil - if thats the case why does it take so bloody long to check out my PC/Phone and results to come back from teeth implants???? - all a load of bolloxs and a a total pantomine - sorry I meant serious criminal investigation.

    I was told by my solictior that they might not even arrest the person who made this allegation at me! - she said it was extremely rare - yet the police told me they would charge her with wasting police time! - I think that is also wrong as to me that does not make me the victim - its makes the police victims! - I think she should be charged with conspicary to pervert the course of justice! - what does everyone else think there????

    Also I find carhesis just plainly writing it down helps - I have my own blog where I publish it all - It really helps me to get out my anger etc on paper! - I wonder if anyone else does that especially in a poem form if so and you don't mind I would like to read it!
    Last edited by quinnb; 3 June 2008, 09:55 PM. Reason: cuz i pressed the wrong button and published it by mistake b4 i had finished it!

  • #2
    Found the poetry section

    Found the poetry section - some very good poems there. I think that is an excellant way of getting it out - and would recomend anyone to do that,


    • #3
      You are right - she should be charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Unfortunately it is rare for the police to do this, as they are concerned it may "deter genuine victims from coming forward".

      the only thing you can try, if you haven't already, is to make a formal complaint about your accuser to the police. they are duty-bound to investigate such a complaint.

      Good luck, let us know how you get on.


      • #4
        Clarification pls

        Thanks Saffron - can u clear a few things up 4 me first though?
        When do I make the formal complaint against her - now when I am still on bail? or when the police actually get around to doing some work then exonarating me?
        What should the formal complaint be worded like? Should it be done in the police station or via professional standards?
        They have already told me that she would be charged with wasting police time - but can they/will they go back on thier word over this???
        Also - assuming they do charge her - I am off the understanding I will then become a victim of crime? Is that correct???


        • #5
          She can only be charged with an offense if it can be proved by police beyond reasonable doubt that she is lying. When my case was dropped, it was due to there being no evidence to support her claims, as opposed to evidence that she made the whole thing up. But then again, the way i see things is that i have my life and future still, she couldn't take that away from me with her petty lies and that means more to me than seeing her punished (altho it would've been nice).


          • #6
            No it is different in my case! - as in they will have some tangible evidence.
            The bite mark she received will show she was lying when it does not match up. - They will find nothing on my PC or my Phone which also prove she lied
            And they already told me she would be charged.

            I am again different to you as I so want her punished.
            The real "hang em high" type in me would want her to go down for 10 years + as that is what I would have (still could be) looking at - but the realist in me knows that will not happen - but a year or so in Holloway would be acceptable. Anything less I will really kick up over that.

            The offical reason for this is that justice has to be done and also it is a kick in the teeth for real victims of crime! - unoffically I sniff dollars as I reckon I could sell my story to the media for a few quid!!! and most importanly when it comes to a custody battle for the baby - I should have a lot of weight added to my cause - so all in all she has done me a favour!!! - ha ha ha

            Now all I need is the police to do some work instead of doing f**k all

