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Dads in jail and he's innocent.

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  • Dads in jail and he's innocent.

    It amazes me how my mother has retained such dignity and strength in the face of such injustice. It started approximately 2 years ago on a Sunday morning at 1am my parents received a call from a drunken woman. In this call she and her boyfriend (in backround) threatened my parents with violence towards myself and my brothers and torture towards our children if they did not pay a sum of £15,000. They also threatened that if my parents did not pay up they would accuse my father of sexual abuse of which they alledged to have 3 other written statements. Immediately they got off the phone my parents contacted the police. The police reccommended that they move out the house temporarily whilst they investigated the source of this call naturally the family were all notified and lived in fear until they heard again from the police. They were able to trace the call to a woman who used to work at my parents tourist attraction back in the late 80's ( then a teenager), when searching her flat pictures of my mother and statements from these four witnesses were found written on paper bags. ( premeditated?). My parents heard nothing for a couple of weeks until one morning 6 policemen knocked on the door and arrested my father on accusations of sexual abuse back in the 80's. Initially he was arrested based on the statements of 4 women. It turns out that one of these women is now an police officer. After much police trawling a further 4 statements were raised alledging more recent activity for the prosecution on spurious accusations such as a back touch and a touch of the thigh. Based on these statements the CPS decided to proceed in charging my father on 30 accounts of various sexual accusations. Subsequently we have just been subjected to a 3 week trial where my father was found guilty on 26 counts by a majority verdict and is now residing in jail on a 5 year sentance. The most serious allegations were dropped because nobody from the defence could place the witness or recognise her and her statement described a completely different person than my father. As per many other of these posts we as a family in our naivety of these situations feel very let down by our legal representives and that the police because of the officers involvement as a witness definately showed an unhealthy biast towards getting a result at the detriment of sending an innocent man to jail through manipulating witnesses, trawling for accusers, losing relevent statements etc. Emotionally, I feel so angry and let down, my mother every night tries to find a bed at a friends or family as she lives in fear of who may be around in the night. My dad despite constant pressure from the probationary services still maintains his innocence and refuses to be labled as guilty despite the promise of a more lenient sentence, he still has his dignity. We as a family fully support him and have recently lodged an appeal of which we are currently researching good legal representation, any help would be greatfully received.

  • #2
    oh, you poor things. No doubt Rights Fighter will be along shortly with her excellent legal advice - she knows her stuff and hopfully will be able to point you in the direction of a good solicitor. Sounds like you already have a half-way sensible one, as you are already working on an appeal.

    All I can say is that you are not alone - there are thousands of us who have all been touched by false allegations, and we understand your pain and frustrations. Keep strong and keep fighting. I know that at the moment everything seems bleak, but you will emerge from this as a better, stronger, more compassionate person.

    feel free to PM me is you would like to talk. Good luck.

    Saffron x


    • #3
      False allegations of abuse


      I don't know your name but it sounds like you are in desperate need of specialised support. I cannot PM you details of the private online forum I run because you have not registered on this site so there is no clickable link to you. However if you go to you can join from that site. This is well used and everybody on it has been touched by false allegations of sexual abuse. Some have done their time and some have family members in prison, one or two are pre-trial - so you will be in good company. It's also private and applicants are required to give certain information (which is kept absolutely confidential) prior to joining so we don't let in unsavoury characters.

      If you have a problem joining please PM me by clicking on my name.

      Kind regards
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~

