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Life Ruined

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  • Life Ruined

    Life Ruined

    Just came across this board as I searched the Internet for a place to vent. Before I start please listen to my story:

    For years I was a fast rising University administrator. After finishing NYU in NYC I went to work for a university as a career counselor. I loved assisting students as they seeked careers and graduate schools. It was a great time and though my salary was not much, I enjoyed what I did.

    During this time I was always approached by people in my urban neighborhood to join the drug game. I never did and used my spare time to get kids on the right track by starting youth and sports programs. I did this and continue to do this until this day. In the meantime I continued to work in higher education. I went from counselor to College Vice President in 20 plus years. I was a dedicated person who still found time to volunteer in my community and act as a change agent.

    Here is what changed my life forever: During a time when things were not going great at home, I became a flirting type of guy. I met a women who I thought was nice one morning. This women called me and called me and eventually came to see me in my office. In my office she cried like a baby as she explained how she had paid a guy $5000 to marry her so she could get citizenship. Needless to say she needed help. I told her I would try to help her and even made a few phone calls for her while she sat. I was attempting to get her in an adult program at the college I was working at. I also told her this had nothing to do with me flirting with her in the past. She thanked me and gave me a big hug and left. Later she called and left a message on my phone saying how much she missed me and wanted to see me. I never called back until after 4 more messages. She again came to see me in my office. Because I always told my Secretary's to document all visitors, they documented the visit.

    Later that night she walked in right after my Secretary's left. It seemed she was just waiting!!. She came in and grabbed me and even put her hands down my pants as I pulled away, Of course I was still kind of excited but also alarmed. I walked out of my office only to return seeing her wiping her leg and smiling. She asked me for $15 for food for her family and bus fare. I gladly gave her the money and she left.

    I left my office and called a buddy and told him about my incident. He and I agreed she was trying to "Get Pregnant" by trying to make me ejaculate and rutting it on her private parts. Silly us. The next day I even told my Secretary about what happened. I later received a call from the women and she was very formal calling me Mr. and last name. She said You know what you did, I was confused and did not understand. She than said "YOU RAPED ME." I was stunned and said you must be kidding. Later all hell broke lose as The police came looking for me and the next day I was charged with rape.

    Her story was she came where I was working seeking to get her son in the attached HS. She said she had never met me and when she did I grabbed her and threw her on the ground and beat her as I raped her. Please understand the door was wide open when she came and classes were going on right next door.

    Before the DA and Judge decided if this would go to court things cleared up. I still had numerous phone messages from her begging me to see her on my cell phone. My Secretary had documented her visiting. The class next door saw nothing. She walked past security guards leaving the building and smiled and even flirted. And lastly after a rape kit it was determined I did not rape anyone!!

    Thus all charges were dropped before going to a grand jury. I received an apology and dismissal. Now here is the hurtful part.

    Since this happened I had to leave my job where I had worked for over 20 years. Since that time I sent 100's of resumes to no avail! I never could find a agency to assist me. I even wrote the NYC Fortune Society, an agency that helps true ex offenders for assistance. NO ONE EVER WROTE ME BACK! I wrote them two times!! I wrote every person in senior positions.

    Needless to say it has been very hard and I am really in need of assistance career wise. No one seems to want to give me an opportunity despite the fact I have no criminal record, committed no crime, and have great qualifications. I am so confused and wish I was in position to assist others who have gone and continue to go through what I did.

    lastly. Every time I put my name on google, the old stories appear. Nothing there to say the whole thing was a set-up and scam. Just the initial stuff!

    My purpose in writing all this is I still seek assistance. I also want people to understand what happens when people lie and falsely charge others with rape and other crimes. This has ruined my life on one hand but made me a much better person.

  • #2
    Hi Upset LF.

    This is a UK forum where the laws (criminal and employment) are different to those in the US. I suggest you try these people and say somebody from an English support groups sent you. Address it to Elaine and she will know who you mean.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~

