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reason to go on?

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  • reason to go on?

    I am trying to find a reason to go on. I am trying to prove that I did not do what I was accused of. Why cant people understand that when you are trying to get information to prove you did not do it. Why do they tell you to go to the police to get information. Well they are the ones who if they had did their job, the DNA would have cleared me. I was trying to get information about door locks at a motel to try to put people in the area. If I was guilty why would I want to put people in the area why do people not look at that? I am angry sad depressed and Just looking for a reason other then to prove the witch lied. I am now up to about 6 items in her statement that I think I can prove, 3 of with physical evidence.

    Someone want to explain to me how you can be forced to take a shower and not get your hair wet? Why you would go out and eat afterwords. I am confused that the Prosicutor is to stupid to see through her lies. I am the one paying for it. Just need some words of encuragement to go on to fight this.

  • #2
    Hi, you will go on - to prove that you are right.

    Please have a look at and join the forum there. You'll get all the help and advice that you need to keep on fighting.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3

      Thanks for the website, I now know I can never take a plea bargin no matter what it is. I will use technology to prove her lies.( I already have the data) I will stick with my website I have done for her. I have friends that will make this website go live if anything happens to me. Yes I do fear for my life as if someone did to my daughter what she claimed I did to her I would be looking for that person if I beleived my daughter.

      My Website starts with a photo of her Smiling (right after the alleged event) with a catpion under it
      Does this look like a girl that had just been Raped?
      Thats what she told the Police
      I am going to bet my life that I can prove she lied or Die Trying.

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        With the greatest of respect, putting a photo of a smiling girl with a caption underneath it "Does this girl look like she's been raped?" is not going to convince anybody that she was not. Any person viewing that would think "well, how do we know this is her? How do we know this was really taken immediately after the alleged rape?"

        Did you so the programme recently called "The girl in the box" where she had been kept as a sex slave for 7 years? There are photographs of her hugging her abuser looking every inch the happy "fiancée" despite what was happening to her at the very same time.

        You need to be careful that you are not sued for libel. She might well be lying and you may well never have raped her, but you have to prove that, unfortunately. Letting a website "go live", which is derogatory to her, will only cause you further damage in terms of legal proceedings.

        I advise to proceed with great caution if you are insistent on this course of action.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          RF Thanks

          Well I have some of your concerns covered
          The photo is time stamped. With in 7 min we are someonwhere eating with that photo time stamped also. If the police had did there entire job it would have been easy to beat this claim but since they have not, I have to back door the claim to prove that she lied. Thats as much as I can say for now as I don't want to give my hand away as I already have great evidence against her to prove she has already committed perjury but hey it is her story I am driving trucks through.

          No I did not see that show. One thing though I was not around the girl enough to brain wash her like that and not even sure I would know how to do that if I had wanted to.

          I am going to go on with my course as I am tired of all these women getting away with it.They picked the wrong person this time. I don't run! I tackle what ever comes at me head on. Next I am stating only facts that are in court documents and asking questions that any reasonable person would ask.
          Your concerns are well noted and that is one reason the websites are not live at the present moment. If something happens to me if someone one kills me off they will go live. I say this last statement as if someone did what she claimed to my daughter I would be looking for that person. That is the way I was raised to protect women, not hurt them. I plan on putting only facts and as far as I am aware of you cant be sued for facts that are in court documents, Correct me if I am wrong please.


          • #6
            Hi Torchta

            Some things that you see in legal (trial) papers are "sensitive" material or "restricted" and as such cannot be even seen by anyone unless that person is registered with or covered by the Information Commissioner/ Data Protection Register. However, sometimes that paperwork does find its way into the trial material that you do have sight of, so you really do need to be careful what you use to put in the public domain, although as you say, you might be dead so it wouldn't matter! But obviously we don't want you dead we want you here campaigning! Not many people who are accused of sexual offences are killed anyway so it's unlikely to happen!

            Asking for other people's paperwork and other confidential matters and then putting these on your site (in the unlikely event of your death) is not going to achieve anything or help the person whose case notes you have used and could get that person into trouble if the matter is still "sub judicae" - not yet heard by a court. You will still get the uneducated observer surfer thinking "there's never any smoke without fire", regardless of how much evidence you can prove to the contrary. It's just not worth it.

            I'm not trying to be pissy, really I'm not! You just need to think this through. If you have been falsely accused of rape then you have every right to be angry but you need to channel that anger (and fear) into your own case without getting involved in other peoples' cases.

            By the way, for me to read defendants and people who are trying to appeal convictions I have to be registered with the Information Commissioner. - which I am of course. However I am not allowed to pass on paperwork I receive without the express permission of that person. Even then it's dodgy ground - so please be careful. You are in enough trouble without making matters worse.

            Further, trying to give police evidence that might prove your innocence is a waste of time as they often have a habit of "losing it" or claiming they never received it in the first place. Further, if you give alibi evidence this often goes back to the accuser who suddenly decides that she's confused and that she got the date/time/venue wrong. Any helpful info should go to your solicitor and you should make damn sure it gets to your barrister.

            I agree that a lot of women are getting away with making false allegations of sexual abuse but there again, so are males. False allegations of abuse which have allegedly taken place 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago in care homes or church choirs are usually made by adult men now in prison on drugs offences. I also worked on a case where a grandfather was convicted about three to four years ago by his grandsons. Police took away as "evidence" a black plastic plaque from the loo door - the plaque was a silhouette of a little boy peeing into a pot - these can be bought from any cheap and cheerful Pound land-type shop. The conclusion we should draw from this of course is that anybody buying a black plastic silhouette of a little boy peeing into a potty and sticking it on the loo door must therefore be some sort of pervert!

            We tend to hear in the media mainly allegations made by girls or women but in the main taking into account care home cases, males are just as likely to make false allegations of sexual abuse, it's just in different circumstances, usually.
            Last edited by Rights Fighter; 22 May 2008, 07:22 PM.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

