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sexual consent forms?

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  • sexual consent forms?

    Does anyone have a copy of one of these forms? I have been reading where people have been using them. I am currently working on a new website as American law is getting so far out there. Example California law states that a jury can conviced on a womens testomony alone with no phisical evidence and that scares the hell out of me as innocent people will be going to jail for something they did not do. I have been doing a lot of research on DNA and want to post this info to. Canada law a guy must prove he had concent or he is guilty. Not sure how you would prove that unless you had a sexual consent form. I do want to put this on my website I am creating and NO I will not charge money for the form as I want men from all over to take it seriously as the pengalum has swung way far the other way and if not corrected before to long 1/2 the male population will be in jail for rape if it is not stopped with all the false alligations, YOu can say I am now on a crusade to help men

    and hell with laws like the one below everyone can be guilty, even walking down the street and seeing a hot women in a mini skirt if she rubs your butt as she trys to get around you on a crowded street she is now guilty is the way I read there law and 4 paly is out of the question with out a concent form

    (67) "Sexual contact" means touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of the person of another, directly or through clothing, in order to knowingly or purposely:
    (a) cause bodily injury to or humiliate, harass, or degrade another; or
    (b) arouse or gratify the sexual response or desire of either party.

  • #2
    a Little humor may make you smile

    I found a little humor out there on the net with this idea 5min but pretty good


    • #3
      Sexual Consent forms.

      I actually DO and have used these now on 1st or renewed liasons. (Yep, I still have a healthy sex life from time to time thanks!)

      I simply searched on google "Sexual Consent form", found one that was pretty near to what I felt was OK and suited purpose.

      Tweaked it a little, ( I removed the tick list of specific sexual activites to be agreed too, as that seemed even to me far to clinicle, besides, ahem...the list was, err, a little, erm, restrictive, and, err, didn't quite cover, good grief...the fullness of potential activites)

      Wot,.... you mean not every one is into impact sex swinging from the chandalier, wearing a wetsuit, a fireman's helmet and a carefully position daffodil, armed with bio-yougart in a water pistol & carefully concealed fresh strawberries??? Yippee!

      Ahem...On a serious note I have not found any who have objected to signing such a form, in one situation it actually cleared the negotiating two step and made things quite straight (poor choice of words) forward. Besides I also generally explain a potted summarised history of my personal reasoning.

      Which I had been doing anyway to ensure clear & consise verbal consent.

      Yes, I know that a consent form is not fool prove and anyone is completely & rightly able to change their mind at any point in a liason, but having been bitten (and I don't mean in a playful way on the back of my neck), I think if anyone should be daft enough to make a false allegation after completing a consent form...even the thickest of planks would realise that going into court against an alleged perp who is waving a signed consent form which the false accuser had completed themselves would be a pretty thin ice case.

      Well if I was on a jury that would be 'serious bleedy doubt' to me!

      So 'consent forms' they are an option, but possibly not that romantic. Perhaps I'll put some little cherubs with bows & arrows on the...nah, 2nd thoughts, too naff!


      • #4
        one slight problem. a person could consent, and then change their mind for whatever reason (in pain, realised it wasnt a good idea, had a flashback.....etc) and then the form would be pointless. a person is entitled to say no at any point.
        "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


        • #5
          Of course 'friday' your completely right, a person is entitled to say 'NO' at any point and that should always be respected.

          They are NOT entitled to decide after the event, and after consenting, that 'consenting' was a bad I idea, because their partner/husband/parents/ or whom ever have now discovered that they dropped their knickers & they are not quite the little angel their nearest & dearest thought they were.

          ..and I would rather have a signed consent form, having experienced the abuses & violations of the Criminal Justice System (in particular corrupt & dishonest police) towards those falsely accused.

