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Yeah. This sucks.

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  • Yeah. This sucks.

    Well, I'm 17, going on 18 on april 11th. Im being accused of rape by a 13 year old girl. I am not guilty of course, and they haven't asked me for a semen sample or blood etc. They haven't searched my house either. Another thing is, i have a good attorney. I was picked up at my home 30 minutes after midnight, and taken to a police station, finger printed / picture taken. I then spent 3 days in a juvenile detention center ( which sucked horribly). Now I have a court date that got pushed back an extra month and a half, meaning I will be 18 when I go to court. Also, im being accused as a minor, but my charge has to be judged as an adult, meaning my judge is going to switch if the charges aren't changed. The adult judge in my area is a woman, how fortunate of me. I ended up getting my g.e.d. (couldnt stand HS), and got into college. I had hung out with this girl a couple of times, meeting her through a friends girlfriend while they were sneaking out, we messed around but never sex etc. I read the page on my charge in my lawyers law book ,and it says even fingering is considered rape etc.. if i take a lie detector test and fail that what do i do? will i be convicted if i do not agree to take one? there is no evidence, but can i still be convicted? I am seriously traumatized over this, i contemplated suicide a couple times very hard... im on house arrest until either i go to prison (seeing that i'll be 18) or am not convicted. any responses would be nice, i understand what you guys are going through also.

    Edit :: not thinking straight telling story... but what i meant about college is, i was moving forward and life.

    and about age, i had heard her lie and say different ages, and her friend, and her sister also lied.

  • #2
    hang in there

    Yes I have been there to still going through my ordeal. Before doing suicide (Been there) look at this site. Only reason I am not dead yet is my wife made me go to the doctor and he prescibe sleeping pills and some depression medican that I think is still kicking in. As right now I am only concerned about the truth coming out.
    I know what you mean, My case is simular but with an adult that her boyfriend broke up with her for being with me. Plan to get the truth out I bought a website with her name and I have it ready and if you win or loose publish it with the facts that way the facts are out there and everyone in the future will know who she is

    Oh and ya I know about court dates being pushed out they indited me and yet to give me a court date (3 weeks) all the time some txt messages from her that prove I did not do anything wrong I can not request untill I plead not guilty so I can get them ordered. I am hoping I can get them before they are purged out of the cell phone system. I am with you man hang in there talk to your friends that know who you are so far none of my friends have left my side as they know who I am and what I stand for. The thing I have going for me my story has never changed, hers has.
    Last edited by torchta; 2 April 2008, 09:44 PM. Reason: adding

